  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • "Nikki" Nightswallow
  • "Nikki"
  • (BDH1-1)
  • (BDH1-1a)
  • (BDH1-2)
  • (BDH1-3)
  • (BDH1-4)
  • (DM) Artifacts to Think About
  • (DM) Spellbound, Story Arc "Z"
  • (WOT1-1)
  • (WOT1-2)
  • 100 Clear Nights
  • 2COT47_48
  • A Brief History of Cormyr
  • A Glorious Dawn Awaits (2COT41)
  • A Grueling Ordeal
  • A Guide To The very best South Bay summer camp
  • A Maiden’s Tears
  • A Marid's Flagon
  • A Time For Discovery (Coming of Twilight, S2)
  • A Time for Discovery (2COT)
  • A Timeline of Recent Events
  • A'sha the Darkdreamer
  • A. Simon Caswell
  • A. Simon Vail
  • AV-85 Watcher
  • AV-88 Overseer
  • Aasimar (Creature)
  • Abigail Margaret Winthrop
  • Ability Focus (Feat)
  • Aboleth (Creature)
  • Aboleth Mage (Creature)
  • Aboleth, Psionic (Creature)
  • Abomination (Epic Creature)
  • Acacia of the Yuirwood
  • Achaierai (Creature)
  • Acid Arrow (Spell)
  • Acid Fog (Spell)
  • Acid Splash (Spell)
  • Acid Storm
  • Acrobatic (Feat)
  • Adamantine Golem (Epic Creature)
  • Adamantine
  • Adamas Thrul
  • Adamas
  • Adarbrent Vill
  • Adarbrent Villa
  • Additional Magic Item Space (Epic Feat)
  • Adlel Sabban
  • Adrian Deepwinter
  • Adrian Tepes
  • Adventurer's Quarter
  • Aecris
  • Aemhan yi Shabalyn
  • Agile (Feat)
  • Aglarel Tanthul
  • Aglarond
  • Agundar Villa
  • Ahghairon's Statue
  • Ahghairon’s Tower
  • Aid (Spell)
  • Ailion Mellontuare
  • Air Elemental (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Air Mephit (Creature)
  • Air Walk (Spell)
  • Ajvent Sabban
  • Aktorral Sabban
  • Alaera Felys Skyfire
  • Alamber Sea
  • Alaor (Tharch)
  • Alaor
  • Alarm (Spell)
  • Alassra Silverhand
  • Alaundo
  • Aldrick
  • Aleric Argentsworn
  • Aleric the Argentsworn
  • Alerion Flameborn
  • Alertness (Feat)
  • Alexander Templeton
  • Alexandra Dragonsbane
  • Alexei Ismailov
  • Algharabadah
  • Alice Young
  • Alice
  • Align Weapon (Spell)
  • Aligned Attack (Feat)
  • Alimarif
  • Alisannara Morcane
  • Alisha Killendare
  • Allies
  • Allip (Creature)
  • Alter Self (Spell)
  • Altumbel
  • Alusair Nacacia Obarskyr
  • Alusair Nacacia
  • Alustriel Silverhand
  • Alustriel
  • Aluvauna Thornym
  • Alvaerele Tasundrym
  • Alzhedo
  • Amalia Barov
  • Amalia Icewhisper
  • Amaratha
  • Amcathra Villa
  • Amhir
  • Amlak
  • Amlakkar
  • Amlakkhan Badjit
  • Amlakkhan Edijo
  • Amlakkhan Jaleh
  • Amlakkhan Minqa
  • Amlakkhan Taorahl
  • Amlakkhan
  • Amlakkhar
  • Amlaruil Moonflower
  • Amlaruil
  • Ammakyl Villa
  • Ammathair Hawkfeather’s residence
  • Amon-lhost
  • Amrani’s Laundry
  • Amruthar
  • Amulet of Affinity
  • Amyran Sabban
  • Anadia (astrological symbol)
  • Analyze Dweomer (Spell)
  • Anastasia I of Thay
  • Anastasia Scrubs
  • Anazebel
  • And Providence Their Guide (2COT22)
  • Andrew MacLaren
  • Andros Calaudra
  • Androsphinx (Creature)
  • Angel (Creature)
  • Angelique Marie Del'eaux
  • Ani
  • Animal (Creature)
  • Animal Affinity (Feat)
  • Animal Companion (Special Ability) (Midnight)
  • Animal Growth (Spell)
  • Animal Messenger (Spell)
  • Animal Shapes (Spell)
  • Animal Trance (Spell)
  • Animate Dead (Spell)
  • Animate Object (Spell)
  • Animate Objects (Spell)
  • Animate Plants (Spell)
  • Animate Rope (Spell)
  • Animated Object (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Colossal (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Gargantuan (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Huge (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Large (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Medium (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Small (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Tiny (Creature)
  • Animorph (Spell)
  • Ankheg (Creature)
  • Ankhisis
  • Annasbelli
  • Annis (Creature)
  • Annuv
  • Ant, Giant (Creature)
  • Ant, Giant Queen (Creature)
  • Ant, Giant Soldier (Creature)
  • Ant, Giant Worker (Creature)
  • Anteos Villa
  • Antilife Shell (Spell)
  • Antimagic Field (Spell)
  • Antipathy (Spell)
  • Antiplant Shell (Spell)
  • Antipsionic Magic (Feat)
  • Ape (Creature)
  • Ape, Dire (Creature)
  • Appraise (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Appraise (Skill)
  • Appraise
  • Apprentice Keymaster (Prestige Class)
  • Aquas and Azures
  • Arabel
  • Aramhadras Nordharil
  • Aran Moonflower
  • Aran
  • Arandur
  • Aranea (Creature)
  • Aratabarh
  • Arcane Devotee (Prestige Class)
  • Arcane Eye (Spell)
  • Arcane Lock (Spell)
  • Arcane Mark (Spell)
  • Arcane Sight (Spell)
  • Arcane Sight, Greater (Spell)
  • Arch Wood
  • Archendale
  • Archetypes (Earth)
  • Archived Session Logs - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Archmage (Prestige Class)
  • Archmage
  • Archon (Creature)
  • Arctic Dwarf
  • Ardeep Forest
  • Ardeep
  • Ardeepsward
  • Ardyn Flameborn
  • Arellon Mistdancer
  • Arellon
  • Argens Bruil
  • Arken Gorge
  • Arkhen Falls
  • Arkhen Vale
  • Armada Ward
  • Armor Class (Rules)
  • Armor Proficiency (Heavy) (Feat)
  • Armor Proficiency (Light) (Feat)
  • Armor Proficiency (Medium) (Feat)
  • Armor Skin (Epic Feat)
  • Arn Kuldar
  • Arrabar
  • Arrowhawk (Creature)
  • Arrowhawk, Adult (Creature)
  • Arrowhawk, Elder (Creature)
  • Arrowhawk, Juvenile (Creature)
  • Artemel Villa
  • Arthindol the Terraseer
  • Arthur Simons
  • Artificer (Class)
  • Artume Miritar
  • Arturo DeNada
  • Arun's Alley
  • Arutha von Doin-Heltharn
  • Ashanath
  • Ashella Milsimmar
  • Ashenwood
  • Asimov
  • Asiyra Boldwinter
  • Askar
  • Asleep (M&M3)
  • Asmagh's Alley
  • Aspect of Tiamat
  • Assassin (Prestige Class)
  • Assassin Spell List
  • Assassin Vine (Creature)
  • Assassin
  • Assumbar Villa
  • Astaré Sabban
  • Astaré Sabban
  • Astraea
  • Astral Construct (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 1st-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 2nd-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 3rd-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 4th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 5th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 6th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 7th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 8th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 9th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Deva (Creature)
  • Astral Projection (Spell)
  • Astrology in the Realms
  • Atashban
  • Athach (Creature)
  • Athalantar
  • Athal’s Stables
  • Athletic (Feat)
  • Atkiss Alley
  • Atonement (Spell)
  • Atropal (Epic Creature)
  • Augathra the Mad
  • Augmented Alchemy (Epic Feat)
  • Augury (Spell)
  • Aumvor the Undying
  • Aurensahldah
  • Auret
  • Aurora Phaundal
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, High Road Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Singing Dolphin Catalog Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Slut Street Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, South High Road Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Street of Tusks Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Waterdeep Way Catalogue Counter
  • Autharch
  • Autharchs
  • Autohypnosis (Skill)
  • Autohypnosis
  • Autonomous (Feat)
  • Avoral (Creature)
  • Awaken (Spell)
  • Axash Sabban
  • Azer (Creature)
  • Azhir Kren
  • Aznar Thrul
  • Azoun IV Obarskyr
  • Azoun IV
  • Azureedge
  • Azuth’s Mug
  • Azzrik
  • BDC 2-1
  • BDC XP
  • BDC1-1
  • BDC1-2
  • BDH1-1
  • BDH1-2
  • BDH1-3
  • BDH1-4
  • BDH2-1
  • BGE Reward Log
  • BGE Rulings
  • BGE1-1
  • BGE1-2
  • BGE1-3
  • BGE1-4
  • BGE1-5b Rewards
  • Babau (Creature)
  • Baboon (Creature)
  • Badger (Creature)
  • Badger, Dire (Creature)
  • Bahil-Bakadah
  • Bail Organa
  • Bail Prestor Organa
  • Bajhit Sabban
  • Bajit Drudach
  • Bakal Sabban
  • Bakkal Sabban
  • Balak
  • Balance (Skill)
  • Balance
  • Baleful Polymorph (Spell)
  • Balor (Creature)
  • Balthazar
  • Balthorr'’s Rare and Wonderful Treasures
  • Balthorr’s Rare & Wondrous Treasures
  • Bane (Spell)
  • Bane (Weapon Enhancement)
  • Bane of Enemies (Epic Feat)
  • Banishment (Spell)
  • Barbarian (Class)
  • Barbarian (Midnight) (Class)
  • Barbarian
  • Barbazu (Creature)
  • Barbed Devil (Creature)
  • Bard (Class)
  • Bard Spell List
  • Bard
  • Barghest (Creature)
  • Barghest, Greater (Creature)
  • Barkskin (Spell)
  • Barl Shardrin
  • Barony of Floshin Estates
  • Barony of Starnaer
  • Barony of Steeping Falls
  • Barony of Tavboryn
  • Barony of Vaelendaer
  • Barony of the Steeping Falls
  • Barovia
  • Barrdo Harrfoot
  • Base Attack Bonus Template Test
  • Basilisk (Creature)
  • Basilisk, Abyssal Greater (Creature)
  • Bat (Creature)
  • Bat Swarm (Creature)
  • Bat, Dire (Creature)
  • Battledale Campaign
  • Battledale
  • Bayal Dethirinn (DM)
  • Bayal Dethirinn
  • Bazaar
  • Bear's Endurance (Spell)
  • Bear's Endurance, Mass (Spell)
  • Bear, Black (Creature)
  • Bear, Brown (Creature)
  • Bear, Dire (Creature)
  • Bear, Legendary (Creature)
  • Bear, Polar (Creature)
  • Bearded Devil (Creature)
  • Bebilith (Creature)
  • Bee, Giant (Creature)
  • Beetle, Devastationi (Epic Creature)
  • Beetle, Giant Bombardier (Creature)
  • Beetle, Giant Fire (Creature)
  • Beetle, Giant Stag (Creature)
  • Beguiler (Class)
  • Beguiler (Variant)
  • Beguiler Spell List
  • Behir (Creature)
  • Belabranta Villa
  • Beljuril
  • Belker (Creature)
  • Bell Tower
  • Belmonder’s Meats
  • Ben's Character
  • Best Harps Hall
  • Bestow Curse (Spell)
  • Beyond Good and Evil
  • Bezantur
  • Bezekira (Creature)
  • Bhaluin
  • Big Damn Coleheads
  • Big Damn Heroes
  • Binding (Spell)
  • Bison (Creature)
  • Black Dog Alley
  • Black Flame Menace
  • Black Flame Zealots
  • Black Opal
  • Black Pudding (Creature)
  • Black Pudding, Elder (Creature)
  • Black Sapphire
  • Black Tentacles (Spell)
  • Black Wagon Alley
  • Black Well Court
  • Blackguard Spell List
  • Blacklight (Spell)
  • Blacklock Alley
  • Blackstaff Tower
  • Blackstone House
  • Blackthorn Alley
  • Blade Barrier (Spell)
  • Bladebane (Spell)
  • Bladebound
  • Bladed Gauntlet
  • Bladesemmer Villa
  • Blasingdell
  • Blasingmark
  • Blaskin
  • Blasphemy (Spell)
  • Bless (Spell)
  • Bless Water (Spell)
  • Bless Weapon (Spell)
  • Blessing of Renewal, Greater
  • Blessing of Renewal
  • Blight (Spell)
  • Blightlords
  • Blind (M&M3)
  • Blind-Fight (Feat)
  • Blinding Speed (Epic Feat)
  • Blindness_Deafness (Spell)
  • Blindsight, 5-ft. Radius (Feat)
  • Blink (Spell)
  • Blink Dog (Creature)
  • Bloodhorn
  • Blue (Creature)
  • Blue Scaled Boots
  • Blueshine
  • Bluff (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Bluff (Skill)
  • Bluff
  • Blur (Spell)
  • Blushing Nymph
  • Boar (Creature)
  • Boar, Dire (Creature)
  • Bodak (Creature)
  • Body Fuel (Feat)
  • Bone Devil (Creature)
  • Boots of the Icewall
  • Borril con Doin con Heltharn
  • Borril von Doin-Heltharn
  • Bound (M&M3)
  • Bowryll ap Dain
  • Bracers of Mighty Striking
  • Brachyurus (Epic Creature)
  • Brain Mole (Creature)
  • Brain Spider (Spell)
  • Bralani (Creature)
  • Break Enchantment (Spell)
  • Brendan Hurst
  • Brennus Tanthul
  • Brentwood summer camp - Are They Really Good for your Children?
  • Brian the Swordmaster
  • Briar Rose of Arabel
  • Briar Rose of Sune
  • Briar Rose
  • Bridget Cathleen O'Barry
  • Brilliant Aura (Spell)
  • Brilliant Blade (Spell)
  • Brindul Alley
  • Bring on the Wonder (COT3-1e)
  • Bristar
  • Brokengulf Villa
  • Bronwyn Caradoon
  • Brossfeather Villa
  • Bryonna of Viktal
  • Bryonna van Houser
  • Bryonna von Hauser
  • Buchanans
  • Buckle Alley
  • Buckleswashers
  • Bugbear (Creature)
  • Builders’ Hall
  • Bulette (Creature)
  • Bull's Strength (Spell)
  • Bull's Strength, Mass (Spell)
  • Bungobar Talltankard
  • Bungobar
  • Burax Dragonspawn
  • Burning Hands (Spell)
  • CGP
  • Caaledar
  • Cache of magic blades
  • Cache of the Bestiary
  • Caedermon's Walk
  • Caernarfon
  • Cafe Cormyrean
  • Caitlin Treeshield
  • Caius Alexander Black
  • Cajaan Sabban
  • Caladorn Cassalanter’s residence
  • Calandor
  • Caleb March
  • Caleph Arcane
  • Caleph
  • Calimar Arkhenneld
  • Calimport Below
  • Calimport
  • Calimshan
  • Call Lightning (Spell)
  • Call Lightning Storm (Spell)
  • Caller In Darkness (Creature)
  • Calm Animals (Spell)
  • Calm Emotions (Spell)
  • Camel (Creature)
  • Camille Dilisnya
  • Campaigns
  • Candle Lane
  • Capridah
  • Caransil
  • Caravan Court
  • Caravan Ward
  • Caravaneer
  • Caravans Ward
  • Carberg
  • Carline von Doin-Heltharn
  • Carmine Dilisnya
  • Carmine Fortunato
  • Carthax Nayusiyim
  • Casajr Sabban
  • Cassalanter Villa
  • Casters' Claim
  • Castle Barovia
  • Castle Ward
  • Castle Waterdeep
  • Cat (Creature)
  • Cat Alley
  • Cat's Grace (Spell)
  • Cat's Grace, Mass (Spell)
  • Catchthief Alley
  • Category talk:Creature
  • Category:Class
  • Category:Cleric Spells by Category
  • Category:Cleric Spells by Level
  • Category:Cleric Spells
  • Category:Creature
  • Category:Indices
  • Category:Skills by Attribute
  • Cathalishaera
  • Cause Fear (Spell)
  • Caylix
  • Celestial Ascendant
  • Celestial Charger (Creature)
  • Celestial Creature (Creature Template)
  • Celestial Staff
  • Cemberyl Stables
  • Centaur (Creature)
  • Centipede Swarm (Creature)
  • Centipede, Colossal Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Devastation (Epic Creature)
  • Centipede, Gargantuan Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Huge Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Large Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Medium Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Small Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Tiny Monstrous (Creature)
  • Cerebrilith (Creature)
  • Ceresia Lacedaemona
  • Chain Devil (Creature)
  • Chain Lightning (Spell)
  • Chandos (astrological symbol)
  • Change Shape (Special Ability)
  • Changestaff (Spell)
  • Channeler (Class)
  • Channeler (Midnight) (Class)
  • Chaos Beast (Creature)
  • Chaos Hammer (Spell)
  • Character Wealth
  • Charm (Midnight)
  • Charm Animal (Spell)
  • Charm Monster (Spell)
  • Charm Monster, Mass (Spell)
  • Charm Person (Spell)
  • Charm Repair (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Charter
  • Chathaodah
  • Chawal
  • Chedlara's Kisses
  • Cheetah (Creature)
  • Chelor's Alley
  • Chelor’'s Alley
  • Ches
  • Cheslav Voltinic
  • Chester
  • Chicago
  • Chichimec (Epic Creature)
  • Chill Metal (Spell)
  • Chill Touch (Spell)
  • Chimera (Creature)
  • Choker (Creature)
  • Chondath
  • Chosen of Eilistraee (Prestige Class)
  • Chosen of Mystra
  • Chosen of Talos
  • Christian Theodericson
  • Church of Gond (Waterdeep)
  • Church of Gond in Waterdeep
  • Church of the Lords Assembled
  • Church
  • Chuul (Creature)
  • Circle Magic
  • Circle of Death (Spell)
  • Cirdan
  • Citadel Rashemar
  • Citadel Thay
  • Citadel of the Arrow
  • City Districts
  • City Gates of Waterdeep
  • City of Glory
  • City of the Dead
  • Clairaudience_Clairvoyance (Spell)
  • Clariburnus Tanthul
  • Class Chart Test
  • Classes (House Rules)
  • Classes
  • Claudia Simons
  • Clay Golem (Creature)
  • Clenched Fist (Spell)
  • Cleric (Class)
  • Cleric Domains, Forgotten Realms
  • Cleric Domains, SRD
  • Cleric Domains
  • Cleric Spell List (alternate)
  • Cleric Spell List
  • Cleric
  • Cliffs of Leaping Horses
  • Cliffwatch Ruins
  • Climate of Cormyr
  • Climb (Skill)
  • Climb
  • Clíodhna
  • Cloak of Chaos (Spell)
  • Cloak of Resistance (Magic Item)
  • Cloak of Resistance, Greater (Magic Item)
  • Cloak of Shadows
  • Cloak of the Ruby
  • Cloak of the Wraithguard
  • Cloaker (Creature)
  • Cloaksweep Alley
  • Clockwork Golem
  • Clone (Spell)
  • Cloud Giant (Creature)
  • Cloudkill (Spell)
  • Clíodhna
  • Cobblers’ and Corvisers’ House
  • Cockatrice (Creature)
  • Coinage of Cormyr
  • Coinage of Impiltur
  • Cold Comfort
  • Cold Snap (Spell)
  • Cole's Character
  • Coliar (astrological symbol)
  • Color Spray (Spell)
  • Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Coming of Twilight, S2E1S1
  • Command (Spell)
  • Command Plants (Spell)
  • Command Undead (Spell)
  • Command, Greater (Spell)
  • Commonwealth City
  • Commune (Spell)
  • Commune with Nature (Spell)
  • Company of Crazed Venturers
  • Compelled (M&M3)
  • Complete List of Expanded Prestige Classes
  • Complete List of Prestige Classes of the Realms
  • Comprehend Languages (Spell)
  • Concentration (Skill)
  • Concentration
  • Condition Zero
  • Cone of Cold (Spell)
  • Confusion (Spell)
  • Confusion, Lesser (Spell)
  • Conrad Kessler
  • Consecrate (Spell)
  • Contact Other Plane (Spell)
  • Contagion (Spell)
  • Contingency (Spell)
  • Continual Flame (Spell)
  • Control Plants (Spell)
  • Control Shape (Skill)
  • Control Shape
  • Control Undead (Spell)
  • Control Water (Spell)
  • Control Weather (Spell)
  • Control Winds (Spell)
  • Controlled (M&M3)
  • Copper
  • Core Classes
  • Cormanthor
  • Cormyr Epilogue
  • Cormyr
  • Cormyrean Adventuring Charter
  • Cormyrian greatshield
  • Cornugon (Creature)
  • Costumers’ Hall
  • Couatl (Creature)
  • Couatl, Psionic (Creature)
  • Count von Durzig (TNC3-1)
  • Court of the White Bull
  • Coven
  • Craft (Skill)
  • Craft Charm (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Craft Greater Spell Talisman (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Craft Spell Talisman (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Craft
  • Craftworks
  • Cragsmere Villa
  • Create Food and Water (Spell)
  • Create Greater Undead (Spell)
  • Create Undead (Spell)
  • Create Water (Spell)
  • Creeping Doom (Spell)
  • Criosphinx (Creature)
  • Crocodile (Creature)
  • Crocodile, Giant (Creature)
  • Crommer
  • Crommor Villa
  • Crommor
  • Crommor’s Warehouse
  • Crown of Narfell
  • Crown of Shadows
  • Crushing Despair (Spell)
  • Crushing Hand (Spell)
  • Crypt Ward
  • Crysmal (Creature)
  • Cult of the Black Flame
  • Culver City summer camp for any Age
  • Cure Critical Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Cure Light Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Light Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Cure Minor Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Moderate Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Cure Serious Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Curse Water (Spell)
  • Curse of Fire, Greater
  • Curse of Fire
  • Custom Classes (Worthy Blades)
  • Custom Rules (Worthy Blades)
  • Cynndria Melshimber
  • Cyric
  • Cyril Rhodes
  • D&D Rules Update
  • Dínendal
  • DM (Dales)
  • DR
  • Dacer'’s Inn
  • Dacer’s Inn
  • Daedalus
  • Dag Zoreth
  • Dagger of Power Leech
  • Dagger of Scrivening
  • Daggerford
  • Daggertooth Pass
  • Dahyarif
  • Daily Trumpet
  • Dalelands
  • Dalereckoning
  • Dales
  • Dance Styles list
  • Dancer in Darkness
  • Danchilaer
  • Dancing Dragon Inn
  • Dancing Dragon
  • Dancing Lights (Spell)
  • Danilo Thann's residence
  • Danilo Thann
  • Danisil
  • Dar'donal
  • Dardath
  • Darehj Sabban
  • Dargiev
  • Dark Alley
  • Dark Calimport
  • Dark Dagger
  • Dark Naga (Creature)
  • Dark Sun
  • Darkbolt (Spell)
  • Darkmantle (Creature)
  • Darkness (Spell)
  • Darksteel
  • Darkvision (Spell)
  • Darkwatch
  • Date Synchronization
  • Daughter of Darkness (COT3-1)
  • Day and Night
  • Daylight (Spell)
  • Daze (Spell)
  • Daze Monster (Spell)
  • Dazed (M&M3)
  • Deaf (M&M3)
  • Death Knell (Spell)
  • Death Pact (Spell)
  • Death Ward (Spell)
  • Death Ward
  • Death of Enemies (Epic Feat)
  • Deathwatch (Spell)
  • Deathwhisper
  • Debilitated (M&M3)
  • Decipher Script (Skill)
  • Decipher Script
  • Deep Imaskar
  • Deep Slumber (Spell)
  • Deeper Darkness (Spell)
  • Deepingdale
  • Deepwater Beacon
  • Deepwater Harbor
  • Deepwinter Vault
  • Defender (Midnight) (Class)
  • Defense and Warcraft of Evermeet
  • Defenseless (M&M3)
  • Deinonychus (Creature)
  • Delantar
  • Delay Poison (Spell)
  • Delayed Blast Fireball (Spell)
  • Delhumide (Tharch)
  • Delhumide
  • Delimbiyr Vale
  • Delimbiyran
  • Delimibiyr Vale
  • Deliverance (1COT34)
  • Deloun Alley
  • Delthuntle
  • Delver (Creature)
  • Demand (Spell)
  • Demilich (Epic Creature)
  • Demon (Creature)
  • Den Dell
  • Derro (Creature)
  • Desdemona Heliakos
  • Desecrate (Spell)
  • Desert Wind Technique
  • Desert Wind
  • Destrachan (Creature)
  • Destruction (Spell)
  • Detect Animals or Plants (Spell)
  • Detect Astirax (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Detect Chaos (Spell)
  • Detect Evil (Spell)
  • Detect Good (Spell)
  • Detect Law (Spell)
  • Detect Magic (Spell)
  • Detect Poison (Spell)
  • Detect Scrying (Spell)
  • Detect Secret Doors (Spell)
  • Detect Snares and Pits (Spell)
  • Detect Thoughts (Spell)
  • Detect Undead (Spell)
  • Dethud Tanthul
  • Devastating Mounted Assault (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Devil (Creature)
  • Devil Trigger (Spell)
  • Devora Galasjbruna
  • Devourer (Creature)
  • Dezlentyr Villa
  • Dhalmass
  • Diamond
  • Dictum (Spell)
  • Diety Specific Spells
  • Digester (Creature)
  • Diloontier’s Apothecary
  • Dimension Door (Spell)
  • Dimensional Anchor (Spell)
  • Dimensional Lock (Spell)
  • Dimian Ree Banacath
  • Diminish Plants (Spell)
  • Dimon
  • Dimvel Stoutkeg
  • Dimvel
  • Dinara Mirandor
  • Dinosaur (Creature)
  • Diplomacy (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Diplomacy (Skill)
  • Diplomacy
  • Dire Animal (Creature)
  • Dire Wereboar (Creature)
  • Disable Device (Skill)
  • Disable Device
  • Disabled (M&M3)
  • Discern Lies (Spell)
  • Discern Location (Spell)
  • Discussion: Profession (astrology) or Knowledge (astrology)
  • Disguise (Skill)
  • Disguise Ally (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Disguise Self (Spell)
  • Disguise Weapon (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Disguise
  • Disintegrate (Spell)
  • Disjunction
  • Dismissal (Spell)
  • Dispel Chaos (Spell)
  • Dispel Evil (Spell)
  • Dispel Good (Spell)
  • Dispel Law (Spell)
  • Dispel Magic (Spell)
  • Dispel Magic, Greater (Spell)
  • Dispel Magic, Supreme (Spell)
  • Displacement (Spell)
  • Disrupt Undead (Spell)
  • Disrupting Weapon (Spell)
  • Divination (Spell)
  • Divine Favor (Spell)
  • Divine Fortitude (Spell)
  • Divine Power (Spell)
  • Djawal
  • Djen Arenas
  • Djenispool Sabban
  • Djinni (Creature)
  • Djinni, Noble (Creature)
  • Dlarun
  • Dmitra flass
  • DoD1-1
  • Dock Ward (Calimport)
  • Dock Ward
  • Dog (Creature)
  • Dog, Riding (Creature)
  • Doingorod
  • Dolin Greatanvil
  • Domain Only Spells
  • Dome of the Balak
  • Dominate Animal (Spell)
  • Dominate Monster (Spell)
  • Dominate Person (Spell)
  • Dominic Grosheva
  • Donkey (Creature)
  • Doom (Spell)
  • Doppelganger (Creature)
  • Dorian Adricus
  • Dornig Leiyraghon
  • Dorns
  • Dove Falconhand
  • Downybeard Tobacconist
  • Dragan Vasska
  • Dragon Edge
  • Dragon Turtle (Creature)
  • Dragon's Tooth
  • Dragon, Advanced (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Black (Creature)
  • Dragon, Blue (Creature)
  • Dragon, Brass (Creature)
  • Dragon, Bronze (Creature)
  • Dragon, Copper (Creature)
  • Dragon, Epic (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Force (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Gold (Creature)
  • Dragon, Green (Creature)
  • Dragon, Prismatic (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Red (Creature)
  • Dragon, Silver (Creature)
  • Dragon, True (Creature)
  • Dragon, White (Creature)
  • Dragonjaw Mountains
  • Dragonne (Creature)
  • Dragonspear Castle
  • Dragonsword Mountains
  • Drakhon Sabban
  • Dread Wraith (Creature)
  • Dream (Spell)
  • Dream Larva (Epic Creature)
  • Dretch (Creature)
  • Drider (Creature)
  • Drive it Deep (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Dromite (Creature)
  • Drow (Creature)
  • Drudach
  • Drudachs
  • Druid (Class)
  • Druid (Prestige Class) (Midnight)
  • Druid Spell List
  • Druid, Shapeshifter Variant (Class)
  • Druid
  • Druxus Rhym
  • Druzir Kemmel
  • Druzir Salim el Khufu
  • Druzir Walaf
  • Druzir Wilam el Loriln
  • Druzir and Pasha Izayad
  • Druzir and Pasha Kyel
  • Druzir and Rysal Aban el Sirsi
  • Druzir
  • Dryad (Creature)
  • Duchy of Calandor
  • Duchy of Daggerford
  • Duergar (Creature)
  • Duir's Alley
  • Duke Vortrus
  • Dun Guldur
  • Dunblast Roofing Company
  • Duncan Hinds
  • Dunn Undermountain of Dumathoin
  • Durgis Rock
  • Durinbold Villa
  • Durnan "the Wanderer"
  • Durpin Stonefire
  • Duskwood
  • Dust Mephit (Creature)
  • Dvorak Skullcrusher
  • Dwarf (Creature)
  • Dwarf (Midnight)
  • Dwarrow
  • Dwarven gates
  • Dwarven racial traits
  • Dwarves
  • Dworg
  • Dying (M&M3)
  • Dínendal
  • EVA-001
  • Eagle (Creature)
  • Eagle's Splendor (Spell)
  • Eagle's Splendor, Mass (Spell)
  • Eagle, Behemoth (Epic Creature)
  • Eagle, Giant (Creature)
  • Eagleshield Villa
  • Earth Elemental (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Earth Mephit (Creature)
  • Earth, 2030 AD
  • Earth
  • Earthquake (Spell)
  • Eberton Hawkshill
  • Eboshi Missena
  • Ebrul Naramixna
  • Edijo Sabban
  • Edwin Cormaeril
  • Efreeti (Creature)
  • Efreeti Hellguard
  • Eichenholz
  • Eirik
  • Eirinn Alluon (DM)
  • Eirinn Alluon
  • Eirontalar Villa
  • El Ghadabaan
  • El Ghaelidah
  • El Muzaddhishadah
  • El Niral
  • El Pajabbar
  • El Sikaena
  • Elaint Marsk
  • Elaith "the Serpent" Craulnober
  • Elaith Craulnober
  • Elaith Rideire
  • Elan (Creature)
  • Elasmosaurus (Creature)
  • Eldain Lothandrien
  • Eleasis
  • Eleine Galanodiel
  • Eleint
  • Elemental (Creature)
  • Elemental Form (Spell)
  • Elemental Savant (Prestige Class)
  • Elemental Swarm (Spell)
  • Elemental Type (Creature Type)
  • Elenial's Quiver (DM)
  • Elephant (Creature)
  • Elf (Creature)
  • Elf (Midnight)
  • Elfling
  • Eli yn Estaar's Inks
  • Elizabeth Dubord
  • Elmdaerle
  • Elminster Aumar
  • Elminster
  • Elorfindar Floshin
  • Elsambul's Lane
  • Eltabbar (Tharch)
  • Eltabbar
  • Eltorchul Academy
  • Eltorchul Villa
  • Eltragir
  • Elven Sage of the Shimmering Sky
  • Elwrynn Galanodiel
  • Elwrynn
  • Emblem of Triumph
  • Embrae Aloevan
  • Emerald Dreams
  • Emerald Ward
  • Emerald
  • Emily Luclass
  • Emmech
  • Empathic Transfer, Hostile (Psionic Power)
  • Empire of Sarphil
  • Emveolstone Villa
  • Enclave Portal
  • Endure Elements (Spell)
  • Energy Drain (Spell)
  • Enervation (Spell)
  • Enhir
  • Enlarge Person (Spell)
  • Enlarge Person, Mass (Spell)
  • Enlightened Flame Zarek
  • Enlightened Flame Zorak
  • Entangle (Spell)
  • Enthrall (Spell)
  • Entranced (M&M3)
  • Entropic Shield (Spell)
  • Ephemereal Snowflake
  • Epic Feat Selection
  • Epic Monsters
  • Equipment (Midnight)
  • Eraré Sabban
  • Eraré Sabban
  • Erase (Spell)
  • Erech Forest
  • Erehnir Sabban
  • Erenlanders
  • Eric Sigurdsson
  • Erik Sigurdsson
  • Erinyes (Creature)
  • Eris Darkhope
  • Ernst Padraig
  • Errant Spades
  • Errya Eltorchul
  • Erunsil
  • Escalant
  • Escanor Tanthul
  • Escape Artist (Skill)
  • Escape Artist
  • Essimuth Lanys
  • Essimuth's Equipment
  • Essimuth’s Equipment
  • Estelmer Villa
  • Estelmer
  • Esther Marie Del'eaux
  • Estrip Rosznar
  • Etarad Sabban
  • Etheniel's Bow
  • Ethereal Filcher (Creature)
  • Ethereal Jaunt (Spell)
  • Ethereal Marauder (Creature)
  • Etherealness (Spell)
  • Etherscope
  • Ettercap (Creature)
  • Ettin (Creature)
  • Eve
  • Everbright
  • Evereska
  • Evermeet
  • Evyrtaan Sabban
  • Ewer of Healing
  • Excalibur
  • Exhausted (M&M3)
  • Exhibition Hall
  • Expeditious Retreat (Spell)
  • Experience Log - The Grey League
  • Explosive Runes (Spell)
  • Extra Gift (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Eyebite (Spell)
  • Eyesafar Hall
  • Ezzat
  • Fabricate (Spell)
  • Facing the Monster (1COT14)
  • Facing the Monster, part 2 (1COT15)
  • Faen Firewind
  • Faerie Fire (Spell)
  • Faerlthann "First King"
  • Faerzress
  • Fair Winds
  • Fairy stools
  • Faith and Courage (2COT14)
  • Faith and Courage, part 2 (2COT15)
  • Faiths Ward
  • Fallen Hills
  • Fallen Stars Fish
  • Falling Leaf
  • Falls of Erech
  • False Life (Spell)
  • False Vision (Spell)
  • Falsely Accused (TNC3-3)
  • Falthranis "Deathspeaker"
  • Fang
  • Far Whisper (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Farah bin Nysar al-miriad
  • Farida of Huzuz
  • Farisan
  • Farouq Al'Hazred
  • Faruq el'Dihar
  • Fast Healing (Creature Ability)
  • Fast Healing (Special Ability)
  • Fatigued (M&M3)
  • Favored Soul (Class)
  • Fea
  • Fear (Spell)
  • Feather Fall (Spell)
  • Feats (Midnight)
  • Feats of the Realms
  • Feats
  • Feeblemind (Spell)
  • Fellowship Hall
  • Felzoun’'s Folly
  • Felzoun’s Folly
  • Festhall of Eternal Delight
  • Fever Iron
  • Fict:A Conversation with Devora
  • Fict:Behold the Phoenix
  • Fict:Facing the Phoenix
  • Field of Triumph
  • Fiendform (Spell)
  • Fiendish Creature (Creature)
  • Fiery Transformation (Spell)
  • Fighter (Class)
  • Fighter (Midnight) (Class)
  • Fighter
  • Filfaeril Selazair
  • Final Death
  • Find Traps (Spell)
  • Find the Path (Spell)
  • Finger of Death (Spell)
  • Fire Elemental (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Fire Giant (Creature)
  • Fire Mephit (Creature)
  • Fire Opal
  • Fire Seeds (Spell)
  • Fire Shield (Spell)
  • Fire Storm (Spell)
  • Fire Trap (Spell)
  • Fireball (Spell)
  • Firehammer Hold
  • Firestar (Spell)
  • First Escarpment
  • Fishnet Alley
  • Five Heads of Tiamat (Trap)
  • Fix Spells
  • Flame Arrow (Spell)
  • Flame Blade (Spell)
  • Flame Strike (Spell)
  • Flame of Hope
  • Flamerule
  • Flames of Fate: Codex of the Sha'ir Masters
  • Flaming Sphere (Spell)
  • Flare (Spell)
  • Flassrin
  • Flesh Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Flesh Golem (Creature)
  • Flesh to Stone (Spell)
  • Floating Disk (Spell)
  • Floshin Estates
  • Fluxing Energy Coils
  • Fly (Spell)
  • Fog Cloud (Spell)
  • Folk of Waterdeep
  • Folugub (Creature)
  • For King and Country
  • Forbiddance (Spell)
  • Force Augment
  • Forcecage (Spell)
  • Forceful Hand (Spell)
  • Foresight (Spell)
  • Forgery (Skill)
  • Forgery
  • Forgotten Realms
  • Forlorn Hills
  • Formian (Creature)
  • Formian Myrmarch (Creature)
  • Formian Queen (Creature)
  • Formian Taskmaster (Creature)
  • Formian Warrior (Creature)
  • Formian Worker (Creature)
  • Fortress of the Half-Demon
  • Four Bezels
  • Fourth Scimitar Garrison
  • Fox's Cunning (Spell)
  • Fox's Cunning, Mass (Spell)
  • Freedom (Spell)
  • Freedom of Movement (Spell)
  • Freezing Sphere (Spell)
  • Friendly Agent (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Frost Giant (Creature)
  • Frost Giant Jarl (Creature)
  • Frost Worm (Creature)
  • Full of Grace (2COT13)
  • Fun with Transclusion
  • Furlesahdah
  • Furthinghome
  • Gabriel Heltharn
  • Gabriel Renault
  • Galaghard III
  • Garandilya Malovna Septim
  • Gareth Thalemis Moonfire
  • Gargoyle (Creature)
  • Garrison Katar
  • Gaseous Form (Spell)
  • Gate (Spell)
  • Gatecrasher (Prestige Class)
  • Gather Information (Skill)
  • Gather Information
  • Gauntyl Villa
  • Gauros (Tharch)
  • Gauros
  • Geas, Lesser (Spell)
  • Geas_Quest (Spell)
  • Gelatinous Cube (Creature)
  • Gelfuril the Trader
  • Gelugon (Creature)
  • Gemini Dancer
  • Gems and Wands
  • Genie (Creature)
  • Genius Loci (Epic Creature)
  • Gentle Repose (Spell)
  • Geography of Silverymoon
  • Gethrun-Upon-Imphras
  • Ghaele (Creature)
  • Ghanisi
  • Gharab's Jewels
  • Gharab
  • Ghast (Creature)
  • Gheldaneth
  • Ghost (Creature)
  • Ghost Sound (Spell)
  • Ghoul (Creature)
  • Ghoul Touch (Spell)
  • Giant (Creature)
  • Giant Vermin (Spell)
  • Giant-Fighter (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Gibbering Mouther (Creature)
  • Gibbering Orb (Epic Creature)
  • Giidaradah
  • Gino's Character
  • Girallon (Creature)
  • Glabrezu (Creature)
  • Glaemril Ford
  • Glarondar
  • Glaun Bog
  • Glibness (Spell)
  • Glitterdust (Spell)
  • Globe of Invulnerability (Spell)
  • Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser (Spell)
  • Gloom (Epic Creature)
  • Glossary
  • Glossolalia (Spell)
  • Glyph of Warding (Spell)
  • Glyph of Warding, Greater (Spell)
  • Gnoll (Creature)
  • Gnome (Creature)
  • Gnome (Midnight)
  • Gnomes
  • Gnorbes
  • Goblin (Creature)
  • Gold Dwarf
  • Gold
  • Golden Harp Inn
  • Golden Horn Gambling House
  • Golden Protector (Creature)
  • Golem (Creature)
  • Golem-Grip Gauntlets
  • Golnar Sabban
  • Gondalim’s
  • Gondwatch Lane
  • Good Hope (Spell)
  • Good
  • Goodberry (Spell)
  • Gorge of Gauros
  • Gorgon (Creature)
  • Gorilla, Behemoth (Epic Creature)
  • Gost Villa
  • Gounar'’s Tavern
  • Gounar’s Tavern
  • Gralhund Villa
  • Grand Marshal Goodhearth
  • Grand Vizar
  • Grand Ward
  • Grasping Hand (Spell)
  • Gravity Bomb Launcher
  • Gravity Bomb
  • Gray Dwarf
  • Gray Glutton (Creature)
  • Gray Ooze (Creature)
  • Gray Render (Creature)
  • Grayson Shadowbrooke
  • Grease (Spell)
  • Great Vale
  • Greater Golembane Scarab
  • Greater Spellcasting (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Green Age Energy
  • Green Hag (Creature)
  • Green Wyvern Trade Company
  • Greenshield (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Grick (Creature)
  • Griffon (Creature)
  • Grig (Creature)
  • Grimlock (Creature)
  • Guallidurth
  • Guardian Naga (Creature)
  • Guardians of the Weave
  • Guards and Wards (Spell)
  • Guidadh's Gold
  • Guidance (Spell)
  • Guide to Calishite Terminology
  • Guide to the City of Calimport
  • Guide to the City of Waterdeep
  • Guildhall of the Order
  • Gundwynd Villa
  • Gust of Wind (Spell)
  • Gynosphinx (Creature)
  • HDI
  • Ha-Naga (Epic Creature)
  • Haerun Mhammaster’s residence
  • Hag (Creature)
  • Hagunemnon (protean) (Epic Creature)
  • Hakkam
  • Halambar Lutes & Harps
  • Halaster Blackcloak
  • Halaster
  • Halazar’s Fine Gems
  • Half-Celestial (Creature)
  • Half-Dragon (Creature)
  • Half-Fiend (Creature)
  • Half-Giant (Creature)
  • Half-elf
  • Half-hearted Attempt at Reconciling the Session Logs
  • Halfbreed (Midnight)
  • Halfling (Creature)
  • Halfling (Midnight)
  • Halfling Burrow (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Hall of Ways
  • Hall of the Makers
  • Hallow (Spell)
  • Halls of Hilmer
  • Halls of Origination (1COT31)
  • Hallucinatory Terrain (Spell)
  • Halmuth Bruil
  • Halt Undead (Spell)
  • Hamatula (Creature)
  • Hammer Ward
  • Hammer
  • Hammersring Hall
  • Hamurza Warbringer
  • Handle Animal (Skill)
  • Handle Animal
  • Hapij Sabban
  • Hardening (Spell)
  • Harm (Spell)
  • Harod Blaendryn
  • Harper
  • Harpers
  • Harpy (Creature)
  • Harpy Archer (Creature)
  • Harrold Farrier
  • Harukohara Nessine-Karad
  • Hasicor Danali
  • Haste (Spell)
  • Hatching a Plan (1COT33)
  • Hathran (Prestige Class)
  • Hawk (Creature)
  • Hawkwinter Villa
  • Hayley Paige Henson
  • Heal (Skill)
  • Heal (Spell)
  • Heal Mount (Spell)
  • Heal, Mass (Spell)
  • Heal
  • Heart of the Beast
  • Heat Metal (Spell)
  • Heavy weapons
  • Hecatoncheires (Epic Creature)
  • Helena Penelope Wright
  • Helena the Artificer
  • Hell Hound (Creature)
  • Hellcat (Creature)
  • Hellwasp Swarm (Creature)
  • Helm of Darkness
  • Helmed Horror
  • Helmfast Villa
  • Helmstar Warehouse
  • Helm’s Hall
  • Help:Editing
  • Helping Hand (Spell)
  • Heltharn
  • Hemmerem’s Stables
  • Henry Harrington
  • Henry James Winthrop, Sr.
  • Henry James Winthrop, Sr
  • Henry James Winthrop
  • Henry Phillip Winthrop, Sr.
  • Henry Phillip Winthrop, Sr
  • Henry Phillip Winthrop
  • Herbalism (Midnight)
  • Herbalist (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Heroes' Feast (Spell)
  • Heroes' Rest
  • Heroes'’ Rest
  • Heroes’ Garden
  • Heroes’ Rest
  • Heroic Paths
  • Heroism (Spell)
  • Heroism, Greater (Spell)
  • Hezass Nymar
  • Hezrou (Creature)
  • Hide (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Hide (Skill)
  • Hide from Animals (Spell)
  • Hide from Undead (Spell)
  • Hide
  • Hideous Laughter (Spell)
  • Hieracosphinx (Creature)
  • Hierophant (Prestige Class)
  • Hierophant
  • High Country
  • High Moor
  • High Thay
  • Highborn Imaskari (Race)
  • Highmoon
  • Hiilgauntlet Villa
  • Hill Giant (Creature)
  • Hill Giant Dire Wereboar (Creature)
  • Hill Town
  • Hillsfar
  • Hilmer Storage
  • Hindered (M&M3)
  • Hippogriff (Creature)
  • History of Cormanthyr
  • History of Eltabbar
  • History of Impiltur
  • History of Waterdeep
  • History of the Church of Kossuth
  • Hizagkuur
  • Hlakken Stables
  • Hlanta Melshimber
  • Hoary Hunter (Epic Creature)
  • Hoary Steed (Creature)
  • Hobgoblin (Creature)
  • Hold Animal (Spell)
  • Hold Monster (Spell)
  • Hold Monster, Mass (Spell)
  • Hold Person (Spell)
  • Hold Person, Mass (Spell)
  • Hold Portal (Spell)
  • Holy Aura (Spell)
  • Holy Smite (Spell)
  • Holy Sword (Spell)
  • Holy Word (Spell)
  • Holyhands House
  • Home of the Healers
  • Homen Odesseiron
  • Homunculus (Creature)
  • Hook Sadidah
  • Hook Ward
  • Horn Ring
  • Horned Devil (Creature)
  • Horrid Wilting (Spell)
  • Horse (Creature)
  • Horse, Heavy (Creature)
  • Horse, Heavy Warhorse (Creature)
  • Horse, Light (Creature)
  • Horse, Light Warhorse (Creature)
  • Horustep III
  • Hothemer Villa
  • Hound Archon (Creature)
  • Hound Archon (SRD Creature)
  • Hound Archon Hero (Creature)
  • House Adarbrent
  • House Agundar
  • House Amcathra
  • House Ammakyl
  • House Anteos
  • House Artemel
  • House Assumbar
  • House Becket
  • House Belabranta
  • House Bladesemmer
  • House Brokengulf
  • House Brossfeather
  • House Cassalanter
  • House Cragsmere
  • House Crommor
  • House Dezlentyr
  • House Durinbold
  • House Eagleshield
  • House Eirontalar
  • House Eltorchul
  • House Emveolstone
  • House Estelmer
  • House Gauntyl
  • House Gost
  • House Gralhund
  • House Gundwynd
  • House Hawkwinter
  • House Helmfast
  • House Heltharn
  • House Hiilgauntlet
  • House Hothemer
  • House Hunabar
  • House Husteem
  • House Ilitul
  • House Ilvastarr
  • House Ilzimmer
  • House Irlingstar
  • House Jardeth
  • House Jhansczil
  • House Kormallis
  • House Kothont
  • House Lanngolyn
  • House Lathkule
  • House Maerklos
  • House Maernos
  • House Majarra
  • House Manthar
  • House Margaster
  • House Massalan
  • House Melshimber
  • House Mirandor
  • House Moonstar
  • House Nandar
  • House Nesher
  • House Phull
  • House Phylund
  • House Piiradost
  • House Raventree
  • House Roaringhorn
  • House Rosznar
  • House Ruldegost
  • House Silmerhelve
  • House Snome
  • House Stormweather
  • House Sultlue
  • House Talmost
  • House Tarm
  • House Tchazzam
  • House Tesper
  • House Thann
  • House Thongolir
  • House Thorp
  • House Thunderstaff
  • House Ulbrinter
  • House Urmbrusk
  • House Von Doin
  • House Wands
  • House Wavesilver
  • House Zulpair
  • House Zun
  • House of Crystal Storage
  • House of Flass
  • House of Holy Dawn
  • House of Inspired Hands
  • House of Light Storage
  • House of Long Silences
  • House of Pride Perfumes
  • House of Two Hands
  • House of the Bound Hands
  • House of the Fine Carvers
  • House of the Four Moons
  • House of the Silken Pillows
  • House of the Veil Gizara
  • How to format a prestige class in wikitext without really trying
  • Howler (Creature)
  • Howling Cat Court
  • Hriiat Fine Pastries
  • Hssthak
  • Hulburg
  • Human (Creature)
  • Human (Midnight)
  • Hunabar Villa
  • Hunefer (Epic Creature)
  • Hunter's Alley
  • Hunter's Down (DM Only)
  • Hunter's Down
  • Hunter-Killer
  • Hurl Thunderbolt (Spell)
  • Husteem Villa
  • Hyacinth Knight
  • Hydar
  • Hydra (Creature)
  • Hydra, Eight-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Eleven-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Five-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Nine-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Seven-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Six-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Ten-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Twelve-Headed (Creature)
  • Hyena (Creature)
  • Hypnotic Pattern (Spell)
  • Hypnotism (Spell)
  • Icarus
  • Ice Devil (Creature)
  • Ice Mephit (Creature)
  • Ice Storm (Spell)
  • Icelia
  • Identify (Spell)
  • Ilisar's Alley
  • Ilitul Villa
  • Illis Khendarhine
  • Illusory Script (Spell)
  • Illusory Wall (Spell)
  • Ilmaryn Oakheart
  • Iltkazar
  • Ilvastarr Villa
  • Ilyykur's Mantle (Spell)
  • Ilzimmer
  • Image:A'sha.jpg
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  • Image:Brotherhood Symbols.gif
  • Image:Burax.jpg
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  • Image:Calendar of Harptos.jpg
  • Image:Calimport.jpg
  • Image:CalimportMap.jpg
  • Image:Camille Dilisnya.jpg
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  • Image:Durgis Rock.JPG
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  • Image:Emily Luclass.jpg
  • Image:Empress Anastasia I.jpg
  • Image:ErareSabban.jpg
  • Image:Eredane Undivided.jpg
  • Image:Eris.jpg
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  • Image:Esther Portrait.jpg
  • Image:Eve.jpg
  • Image:Evermeet.jpg
  • Image:Example.jpg
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  • Image:FR Map small.jpg
  • Image:FR Map.jpg
  • Image:Faen Firewind.jpg
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  • Image:Farah.jpg
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  • Image:Gabriel.jpg
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  • Image:Glittergulch.jpg
  • Image:GoldenNugget.jpg
  • Image:Goodhearth.jpg
  • Image:GrandWard.jpg
  • Image:Guardians of the Weave.jpg
  • Image:Gw-highres-ranger w1920.jpg
  • Image:HJW.jpg
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  • Image:HK2.jpg
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  • Image:Halmuth.jpg
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  • Image:Hamurza.jpg
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  • Image:Harry.jpg
  • Image:Harukohara.jpg
  • Image:Hayley Paige Henson.jpg
  • Image:Helena.jpg
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  • Image:Henry Harrington.jpg
  • Image:Henry.jpg
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  • Image:Hyacinth.jpg
  • Image:Icarus.jpg
  • Image:Ilmaryn.jpg
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  • Image:Impiltur Flag.png
  • Image:Impiltur Flag.svg
  • Image:Impiltur.jpg
  • Image:Imuriel.jpg
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  • Image:Isabella.jpg
  • Image:Ivan.jpg
  • Image:IvanRomovskii.jpg
  • Image:Ivana.jpg
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  • Image:JakeSimons.jpg
  • Image:Jamis.jpg
  • Image:Jean.jpg
  • Image:JewelWard.jpg
  • Image:Johnsmith.jpg
  • Image:Josephine Tenant.gif
  • Image:Julian 2.jpg
  • Image:Julian 2.png
  • Image:Julian 3.jpeg
  • Image:Julian Jr Portrait.jpg
  • Image:Julian Jr.jpg
  • Image:Julian Portrait.jpg
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  • Image:Kaine Lounging.jpg
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  • Image:Keket Familiar.jpg
  • Image:Keket Isis.jpg
  • Image:Keket Sexy.jpg
  • Image:Keket.jpg
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  • Image:KhanduqWard.jpg
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  • Image:KingAthrwys.jpg
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  • Image:Lazar Becket.jpg
  • Image:LeavesofLearning.jpg
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  • Image:Lily 2.jpg
  • Image:Lily, Daughter of Darkness.jpg
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  • Image:Lisa Nynaed.jpg
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  • Image:Loht.jpg
  • Image:Lord Kauldur.jpg
  • Image:Lorien.jpg
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  • Image:Mairah.jpg
  • Image:MakersWard.jpg
  • Image:Malchior.jpg
  • Image:Maltas.jpg
  • Image:Manshoon.jpg
  • Image:MapDoingorod.jpg
  • Image:MapWaterdeep.jpg
  • Image:MapWaterdeepCastleWard.jpg
  • Image:MapWaterdeepDockWard.jpg
  • Image:MapWaterdeepHarborAWard.jpg
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  • Image:MapWaterdeepNorthWard.jpg
  • Image:MapWaterdeepSeaWard.jpg
  • Image:MapWaterdeepSouthWard.jpg
  • Image:MapWaterdeepTradesWard.jpg
  • Image:Mariam.jpg
  • Image:Marius.jpg
  • Image:Marius1.jpg
  • Image:McCarran.jpg
  • Image:Meepo.jpg
  • Image:Melvaunt.jpg
  • Image:MenuDrippingDagger.jpg
  • Image:Meran Dholuk.png
  • Image:Mirt.jpg
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  • Image:MobMuseum.jpg
  • Image:Monte.jpg
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  • Image:MoonSphere.jpg
  • Image:Mormonfort.jpg
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  • Image:Natasha von Durzig.jpg
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  • Image:Newyork.jpg
  • Image:Nick.jpg
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  • Image:Nida1.jpg
  • Image:Nikolai Becket.jpg
  • Image:Nikolai.jpg
  • Image:Nikolai2.jpg
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  • Image:Ninaren.jpg
  • Image:Ningal.jpg
  • Image:Nisa.jpg
  • Image:Odessa.jpg
  • Image:Oksana.jpg
  • Image:Old Realms.jpg
  • Image:Oliver Tenant.jpg
  • Image:Oreal.jpg
  • Image:Ort.JPG
  • Image:PalaceWard.jpg
  • Image:ParisLV.jpg
  • Image:Penny 2.jpg
  • Image:Penny 3.jpg
  • Image:Peuter.jpg
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  • Image:Phourken.jpg
  • Image:Piergeiron.jpg
  • Image:Piergeiron1.jpg
  • Image:PlanetHollywood.jpg
  • Image:Plataeus.jpg
  • Image:Qilue.jpg
  • Image:Queen Sophia.jpg
  • Image:QuillWard.jpg
  • Image:Raithen.jpg
  • Image:Ral.jpg
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  • Image:Ranneck II.jpg
  • Image:Ranneck.jpg
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  • Image:Ravenflag.jpg
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  • Image:Roman Banacath.jpg
  • Image:Ruid.jpg
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  • Image:Rylaun1.jpg
  • Image:SGOK.jpg
  • Image:SV-4F.jpg
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  • Image:Saharel.jpg
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  • Image:Sallus Keru 3.jpg
  • Image:Sallus Keru.jpg
  • Image:Sam.jpg
  • Image:Sambryl.jpg
  • Image:Sapphire.jpg
  • Image:Sarschel.jpg
  • Image:Scarlet battle.png
  • Image:Scarlet teacher.jpg
  • Image:Scarlet.jpg
  • Image:SeanFaerie.jpg
  • Image:Selcharoon.jpg
  • Image:Selune Temple Interior.jpg
  • Image:Selune Temple.jpg
  • Image:Septim.jpg
  • Image:Serafina.jpg
  • Image:Sergei.jpg
  • Image:ShacklesWard.jpg
  • Image:Sherry.jpg
  • Image:ShoonVII.jpg
  • Image:Silver Marches Map.jpg
  • Image:Simon Vail.jpg
  • Image:Sisterhood HQ.png
  • Image:Skullport.jpg
  • Image:Soargar.jpg
  • Image:Solon.jpg
  • Image:Sovia 2.jpg
  • Image:Sovia Albrecht.jpg
  • Image:Sovia.jpg
  • Image:Sprengler.jpg
  • Image:Srinshee.jpg
  • Image:StarWars.jpg
  • Image:Stop hand small.png
  • Image:Stop hand.png
  • Image:Stop.png
  • Image:StormSilverhand.jpg
  • Image:Stratosphere.jpg
  • Image:Sun Li.jpg
  • Image:Suryn.jpg
  • Image:Svlacul.jpg
  • Image:Sydaren.jpg
  • Image:Sylune.jpg
  • Image:Sylvia Praka.jpg
  • Image:Sylvia.jpg
  • Image:Symboloftheknights.jpg
  • Image:Szasstam.jpg
  • Image:Szoth.jpg
  • Image:Talos.jpg
  • Image:Talrendis I.jpg
  • Image:Talrendis II.jpg
  • Image:TaorahlDrudach.jpg
  • Image:Tasha.jpg
  • Image:Tasha2.jpg
  • Image:Tatyana.jpg
  • Image:Telamont.jpg
  • Image:Thay.jpg
  • Image:The Cape.jpg
  • Image:The Glaemril River.jpg
  • Image:The Masked One.jpg
  • Image:The Pink Knight.jpg
  • Image:The Tharchioness.jpg
  • Image:The Traveler.jpg
  • Image:The tower of the rising moon.jpg
  • Image:TheAutumnking.jpg
  • Image:TheBeast.jpg
  • Image:TheSimbul.jpg
  • Image:TheSimbul2.jpg
  • Image:Thelonius P. Stonetower.jpg
  • Image:Thentia.jpg
  • Image:Three Amigos.jpg
  • Image:Threskel.jpg
  • Image:Thurndan.jpg
  • Image:Tirin I.jpg
  • Image:TradesWardC.jpg
  • Image:TreasureI.jpg
  • Image:Triplets1.jpeg
  • Image:Triplets2.jpeg
  • Image:Twins.jpeg
  • Image:Tyan.jpg
  • Image:UNLV.jpg
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-CA.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-Far-North.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-Far-Southeast.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-Far-Southwest.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-Nearnorth.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-North.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-Northwest.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-South.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-Southwest.png
  • Image:US-IL-Chicago-West.png
  • Image:Underworld Serving Girl.jpg
  • Image:Undivided Eredane.pdf
  • Image:Unther.jpg
  • Image:Valin.jpg
  • Image:Vallaki.jpg
  • Image:Vangerdahast.jpg
  • Image:Vanth.jpg
  • Image:VegasStripMap.jpg
  • Image:Veldarin.jpg
  • Image:Venetian.jpg
  • Image:Vexas.jpg
  • Image:Vi Dad.jpg
  • Image:Vi Mom.jpg
  • Image:Victustarkasian.jpg
  • Image:Vivienne.jpg
  • Image:Vlacul.jpg
  • Image:Volothamp.jpg
  • Image:Vondre.jpg
  • Image:Vortrus.jpg
  • Image:Waldo.jpg
  • Image:Waterdeep.jpg
  • Image:Window of Eternity.jpg
  • Image:Winterkeep.jpg
  • Image:Wizard Black.jpg
  • Image:WizardWard.jpg
  • Image:Woarsten.jpg
  • Image:Woden.jpg
  • Image:Wystwint.jpg
  • Image:Xainya.jpg
  • Image:Ysana Moonshadow.jpg
  • Image:Zak.jpg
  • Image:Zaki.jpg
  • Image:Zarek.jpg
  • Image:Zenovia.jpg
  • Image:Zhengyi.jpg
  • Image:Zhentil Keep.jpg
  • Image:Zorak.jpg
  • Image:Zuhair.jpg
  • Imaskar
  • Imaskarcana et al
  • Imaskarcana
  • Imaskari Empire
  • Imaskari Goodies
  • Imaskari Portal Lord (Prestige Class)
  • Imaskari
  • Imbruin
  • Imbue with Spell Ability (Spell)
  • Immelswit Nackle
  • Immil Vale
  • Immilmar
  • Immobile (M&M3)
  • Imp (Creature)
  • Impaired (M&M3)
  • Imphras V Heltharn
  • Impiltur (Old Fanon)
  • Impiltur
  • Impilturan
  • Implosion (Spell)
  • Imprisonment (Spell)
  • Improved Grab (Creature Ability)
  • Improved Grab (Special Ability)
  • Improved Mage Armor (Spell)
  • Improved Point Blank Shot (Feat)
  • Improvised Weapon (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Imuriel
  • Incantatrix (Prestige Class)
  • Incapacitated (M&M3)
  • Incendiary Cloud (Spell)
  • Inception (1COT32)
  • Inception and Deliverance (1COT3)
  • Inception and Deliverance (Coming of Twilight, S1E3)
  • Inconspicuous (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Inevitable (Creature)
  • Infernal (Epic Creature)
  • Inflict Critical Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Inflict Light Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Light Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Inflict Minor Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Moderate Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Inflict Serious Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Ingerr & Ingerr Warehouses
  • Iniarv
  • Initiate of Bane (Feat)
  • Initiate of Cyric (Feat)
  • Initiate of Gond (Feat)
  • Initiate of Helm (Feat)
  • Initiate of Ilmater (Feat)
  • Initiate of Lathander (Feat)
  • Initiate of Malar (Feat)
  • Initiate of Mystra (Feat)
  • Initiate of Nature (Feat)
  • Initiate of Selune (Feat)
  • Initiate of Tyr (Feat)
  • Inn of the Dripping Dagger
  • Innate Magic (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Inner Sea
  • Insanity (Spell)
  • Insect Plague (Spell)
  • Instant Summons (Spell)
  • Intellect Devourer (Creature)
  • Intensely useful Firefox trick
  • Interesting Rules Changes
  • Interlude (Coming of Twilight, S1-2)
  • Interposing Hand (Spell)
  • Intimidate (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Intimidate (Skill)
  • Intimidate
  • Introduction 1: Politics
  • Invarri Metron
  • Invisibility (Spell)
  • Invisibility Purge (Spell)
  • Invisibility Sphere (Spell)
  • Invisibility, Greater (Spell)
  • Invisibility, Mass (Spell)
  • Invisible Stalker (Creature)
  • Ioulaum
  • Irataq Sabban
  • Irbryth Authamaun's residence
  • Irlingstar Villa
  • Iron Body (Spell)
  • Iron Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Iron Golem (Creature)
  • Irontooth
  • Ironwood (Spell)
  • Irresistible Dance (Spell)
  • Isabella Marie Lacheri
  • It Begins With a Letter (2COT11)
  • It just so happens
  • Item Creation
  • Ivan Dilisnya
  • Ivan Romovskii
  • Ivana Boritsi
  • Jacinth
  • Jacob Simons
  • Jade Dancer
  • Jaded (2COT43)
  • Jakob Sprengler
  • Jaleh Sabban
  • James Erasmus Winthrop
  • James Winthrop
  • Jamis Belem Martigan
  • Janni (Creature)
  • Jardeth Villa
  • Jared Althame
  • Jarûz Sabban
  • Jarûz Sabban
  • Jasmal
  • Jaster Imbruin
  • Jester's Court
  • Jewel Ward
  • Jhaapir Sabban
  • Jhansczil Villa
  • Jhasin
  • Jhasina
  • Jhasinnar
  • Jhassinni
  • Jhenna Iliathor
  • John Smith (Xaa Juyaay)
  • John Smith
  • John
  • Josephine Tenant
  • Journal of Martisor Biresceu
  • Journeys in Space and Time (COT3-1b)
  • Julian Rene Del'eaux III
  • Julian Rene Del'eaux Jr
  • Jump (Skill)
  • Jump (Spell)
  • Jump
  • Juron Brightmantle
  • Juron's Ramblings 6_17_2009
  • Juron
  • Justinian
  • Ka'mil of Evermeet
  • Ka'mil
  • Kadar's Stables
  • Kage Tenjin
  • Kage
  • Kahn
  • Kaine
  • Kalil's Sabban
  • Kalil'’s Sabban
  • Kalman Leiyraghon
  • Kapoacinth (Creature)
  • Kappiyan Flurmastyr
  • Kara Calaudra
  • Kara Zial
  • Karpri (astrological symbol)
  • Kartak Spellseer
  • Kasylwen Rideire
  • Katars High
  • Katrina van Hauser
  • Kaval Sabban
  • Kealza's Home
  • Keen Edge (Spell)
  • Keffiyehdah
  • Keket Ma'at Ishnu
  • Keket
  • Kella Baker
  • Kerowyn Hucrele
  • Khallos Melshimber
  • Khamarkha
  • Khanduq Ward
  • Khanduq of the Coinmother
  • Khanduq
  • Khanduqs
  • Khatrev Sabban
  • Khazark
  • Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun
  • Khelben Arunsun
  • Khelben “Blackstaff’ Arunsun
  • Khelben
  • Khelbun "Blackstaff" Arunsun
  • Khelbun Arunsun
  • Khelbun
  • Kheldroun Stonehammer
  • Kiara Padraig
  • King Plataeus
  • King's Tear
  • Kingdom of Man
  • King’s tear
  • Kirilar Moonflower
  • Kirna Howling-Moon
  • Kirruk Sabban
  • Kisul
  • Knife Thrower (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Knightly Orders of Impiltur
  • Knights of Imphras II
  • Knock (Spell)
  • Know Direction (Spell)
  • Knowledge (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Knowledge (Skill)
  • Knowledge
  • Kobold (Creature)
  • Kolat Towers
  • Kolat’s Towers
  • Kolyarut (Creature)
  • Kormallis Villa
  • Kothont Villa
  • Krabbellor Silversmiths
  • Kraken (Creature)
  • Krath Graybeard
  • Krath Ironbeard
  • Krenshar (Creature)
  • Krista Summerwind
  • Kulzar's Alley
  • Kyrin Lothandrien
  • Kythorn
  • Kyton (Creature)
  • Lacedon (Creature)
  • Lady Amalia Barov
  • Lady Naneatha Lhaurilstar’s residence
  • Lady of the Sea
  • Laeral Silverhand
  • Laeral's spell shield
  • Laeral's storm armor
  • Laeral
  • Lake Ashane
  • Lake Ereduie
  • Lake Mulsantir
  • Lake Thaylambar
  • Lake Tirulag
  • Lake Vlacul
  • Lallara Mediocros
  • Lamia (Creature)
  • Lammasu (Creature)
  • Lamorak Tanthul
  • Languages of Eredane
  • Lanngolyn Villa
  • Lantern Archon (Creature)
  • Lantern Archon (SRD Creature)
  • Lapendrar (Tharch)
  • Lapendrar vale
  • Lapendrar
  • Laran’s Cartographers
  • Larau Sabban
  • Larissa Neathal
  • Larloch
  • Las Vegas Downtown
  • Las Vegas Strip
  • Las Vegas
  • Laskor
  • Lathan Carlysle
  • Lathin's Cut
  • Lathkule Villa
  • Lauzoril
  • Lavawight (Epic Creature)
  • Lawful Good
  • Laws of Magic
  • Laws of Thay
  • Lazar Becket
  • League of Basketmakers & Wickerworkers Storage
  • Leaves of Learning
  • LeftMenu
  • Legend Lore (Spell)
  • Legion's Spell (Feat)
  • Lemontree Alley
  • Lemure (Creature)
  • Leonal (Creature)
  • Leopard (Creature)
  • Leshara Tanthul
  • Leshay (Epic Creature)
  • Leunesca
  • Leuthilspar
  • Levitate (Spell)
  • Lhoril's Alley
  • Liam's Hold
  • Lich (Creature)
  • Lifetrap (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Light (Spell)
  • Light Bomb Launcher
  • Light Bomb
  • Lighthouse of the Moon
  • Lightning Bolt (Spell)
  • Lightning's Tower
  • Lillend (Creature)
  • Lillian Rochelle Baptiste
  • Lily Knight
  • Lily Monet
  • Lily
  • Limited Wish (Spell)
  • Line of Pasha-syl-Pashas of Calimshan
  • Lion (Creature)
  • Lion, Dire (Creature)
  • Lisa Nynaed
  • Listen (Skill)
  • Listen
  • Liveoak (Spell)
  • Living Metal
  • Living Vault (Epic Creature)
  • Lizard (Creature)
  • Lizard Marsh
  • Lizard, Monitor (Creature)
  • Lizardfolk (Creature)
  • Lizaveta Becket
  • Locate Creature (Spell)
  • Locate Object (Spell)
  • Locathah (Creature)
  • Locust Swarm (Creature)
  • Loene the Fighter’s House
  • Logan Kronusson
  • Loht
  • Lonely Hearts Killer
  • Long Portage
  • Longstrider (Spell)
  • Loravatha
  • Lord Kauldur
  • Lords' Respite
  • Loretan
  • Lorien
  • Lost Souls (1COT21)
  • Lower Delimbiyr Vale
  • Lowerdark
  • Lucentio Solesca
  • Lucia bint Delilah
  • Lucita Adricus
  • Lucky (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Lullaby (Spell)
  • Lupalidah
  • Luskanite
  • Lyam von Doin-Heltharn
  • Lycanthrope (Creature)
  • Lyratha Goldenale
  • Lyratha Talltankard
  • Lyratha
  • Mad Mage of Undermountain
  • Madame Garah’s Boarding House
  • Maddening Scream (Spell)
  • Maelstrom’s Notch
  • Maenad (Creature)
  • Maerghoun’s Inn
  • Maerklos Villa
  • Maeve
  • Mage Armor (Spell)
  • Mage Armor, Greater (Spell)
  • Mage Hand (Spell)
  • Mage of the Sigil
  • Mage's Disjunction (Spell)
  • Mage's Faithful Hound (Spell)
  • Mage's Lucubration (Spell)
  • Mage's Magnificent Mansion (Spell)
  • Mage's Private Sanctum (Spell)
  • Mage's Sword (Spell)
  • Magecraft (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Magic (Earth)
  • Magic Aura (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Chaos (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Evil (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Good (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Law (Spell)
  • Magic Eating
  • Magic Fang (Spell)
  • Magic Fang, Greater (Spell)
  • Magic Item Descriptions
  • Magic Item Market Discussion
  • Magic Items (Magic of Faerun)
  • Magic Items
  • Magic Items: Scrolls (Rules)
  • Magic Jar (Spell)
  • Magic Missile (Spell)
  • Magic Mouth (Spell)
  • Magic Stone (Spell)
  • Magic Vestment (Spell)
  • Magic Weapon (Spell)
  • Magic Weapon, Greater (Spell)
  • Magic and the Supernatural (Earth)
  • Magic in Midnight
  • Magic-Hardened (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Magister
  • Magma Mephit (Creature)
  • Magmin (Creature)
  • Main Page
  • Mairah Icewhisper
  • Majarra Villa
  • Majarra
  • Major Creation (Spell)
  • Major Image (Spell)
  • Make Whole (Spell)
  • Maker's Ward
  • Makers Ward
  • Maker’s Ward
  • Makista Sabban
  • Malchior
  • Malchor Harpell
  • Malchor
  • Malcolm DeProximo
  • Malhan Septim
  • Maltas Silvertear
  • Manhattan Beach summer camp - More Options Than Just Fun
  • Manshoon
  • Manta Ray (Creature)
  • Manthar Villa
  • Manticore (Creature)
  • Mantle of Holy Power (Magic Item)
  • Manycats Alley
  • Manysteps Alley
  • Maquar Crusader
  • Marblehearth
  • Marcellus Waldgrave
  • Marekh Sabban
  • Margaret Winthrop
  • Margaster Villa
  • Mariam
  • Maridah
  • Marilith (Creature)
  • Marina Del Rey summer camp - Discovering the right Kids Summer Camp
  • Mariners' Rest
  • Marius Vatraska
  • Mark of Justice (Spell)
  • Markhout
  • Marpenoth
  • Martinet of Gilgeam (Prestige Class)
  • Martuk Vortrus
  • Marut (Creature)
  • Maskar
  • Masks (1WDK2)
  • Masque of the Red Death
  • Massalan Villa
  • Massatyr
  • Master of Shrouds
  • Master of the Order of the Phoenix (Prestige Class)
  • Mattick Tanthul
  • Maze (Spell)
  • Mechanus (TNC3-2)
  • Medusa (Creature)
  • Meepo
  • Meet the Parents (COT3-1c)
  • Megaraptor (Creature)
  • Melander
  • Meld into Stone (Spell)
  • Melegaunt Tanthul
  • Melek's Fine Silks and Textiles
  • Melinter's Court
  • Melshimber Villa
  • Melshimber
  • Melvaunt
  • Memnon's Fingers
  • Mending (Spell)
  • Mephit (Creature)
  • Meraedos Fine Furs
  • Meran Dholuk
  • Mercane (Epic Creature)
  • Merchants' Rest
  • Merfolk (Creature)
  • Merrow (Creature)
  • Message (Spell)
  • Metalmasters’ Hall
  • Meteor Swarm (Spell)
  • Mhaer's Alley
  • Mhair’s Tower
  • Miatarra
  • Middledark
  • Midnight Sun
  • Midnight System Ideas
  • Midnight
  • Mighty Manticore Tavern
  • Mikhail Kraznik
  • Millomyr Harps
  • Milsantos Daramos
  • Mimic (Creature)
  • Minaret of the Sage Khumal
  • Minaret
  • Minarets Guardant
  • Mind Blank (Spell)
  • Mind Fog (Spell)
  • Mines of Tethkel
  • Minor Creation (Spell)
  • Minor Image (Spell)
  • Minotaur (Creature)
  • Minqa Sabban
  • Miracle (Spell)
  • Mirage Arcana (Spell)
  • Miransil
  • Mirror Image (Spell)
  • Mirt the Moneylender
  • Mirt
  • Mirtul
  • Mirt’s Mansion
  • Misdirection (Spell)
  • Mishtan
  • Mislead (Spell)
  • Misty Forest
  • Mithral Golem (Epic Creature)
  • Mithral Helm
  • Mithral
  • Mjôm Sabban
  • Mjôm Sabban
  • Mnemonic Enhancer (Spell)
  • Moarinskoar Alley
  • Modify Memory (Spell)
  • Mohrg (Creature)
  • Moment of Prescience (Spell)
  • Monastery of the Sun
  • Monk (Class)
  • Monk
  • Monkey (Creature)
  • Monster Lists
  • Monsters by CR
  • Monsters of Faerun
  • Monsters
  • Moon Elf
  • Moon Sphere
  • Moon elves
  • Moonbar
  • Moonsea
  • Moonstar Alley
  • Moonstar Villa
  • Moonstars, Archived Discussion 1
  • Moonstars
  • Moonstars:Session 1
  • Moonstars:Session 2
  • Moonstars:Session 3
  • Moonstars:Session 4
  • Mordayn Vapor
  • Mordayn
  • Mordite Shard
  • Morlin Castle
  • Morrigan
  • Morus Brokengulf
  • Morus II Brokengulf
  • Most Holy Order of the Sacred Shrike
  • Mother Tathlorn’s House of Pleasure
  • Mount (Spell)
  • Mount Nirg
  • Mount Thalagbror
  • Mount Waterdeep
  • Mourn Deepwood
  • Mouse Alley
  • Move Earth (Spell)
  • Move Silently (Skill)
  • Move Silently
  • Mt. Olympus
  • Mu Spore (Epic Creature)
  • Muham's Inn
  • Muhmad Haphet
  • Mulan
  • Mule (Creature)
  • Mulhorand
  • Mulhorandi Empire
  • Mulhorandi Pharaoh
  • Mulmaster
  • Mulptan
  • Mulsantir
  • Mulsanyaar Plateau
  • Multiclassing
  • Mumijn
  • Mummy (Creature)
  • Mummy Lord (Creature)
  • Mummy, Advanced (Creature)
  • Munaa's Smiles
  • Murphy
  • Musadhyar
  • Musar
  • Mutants & Masterminds
  • Muza-dahyarif
  • Muzad
  • Muzhahajaarnadah
  • Myrmeen Lhal
  • Myrna Cassalanter
  • Myrna Cassalanter’s residence
  • Mystic Theurge (Prestige Class)
  • Mystic Theurge
  • Mystra
  • Mythrell’aa
  • Mythrella
  • Mythrell’aa
  • NPCs (Dales)
  • NPCs
  • Nadana Sabban
  • Naga (Creature)
  • Naiid Sabban
  • Nain Keenwhistler
  • Nain
  • Naingate
  • Najja Sabban
  • Najlet Sabban
  • Nalfeshnee (Creature)
  • Nallojal
  • Nandar Villa
  • NarrTest
  • Narro
  • Nasim Sabban
  • Natasha von Durzig
  • Natural Healer (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Nature's Revelation (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Nazherreloth
  • Nazir
  • Negative Energy Protection
  • Neh-Thalggu (Brain Collector) (Epic Creature)
  • Neldorild
  • Nelkaush the Weaver
  • Neothelid (Creature)
  • Nerick S. Chaucer
  • Nerick S. Chauser
  • Nerick Spellchaser
  • Neril Aundar
  • Nesher Villa
  • Nessian Warhound (Creature)
  • Nethentir
  • Nethjet
  • Neutralize Poison (Spell)
  • Nevron
  • New Beginnings, Old Awakenings (1COT1)
  • New Olamn
  • New Setting
  • New Spells
  • Nexus Fuel (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Nick Pellegrino
  • Nictwahradh
  • Nida Kiyare Daen-Karad
  • Night Hag (Creature)
  • Nightal
  • Nightcrawler (Creature)
  • Nightmare (Creature)
  • Nightmare (Spell)
  • Nightmare, Cauchemar (Creature)
  • Nightshade (Creature)
  • Nightwalker (Creature)
  • Nightwing (Creature)
  • Nikki Nightswallow
  • Nikki
  • Nikolai Becket
  • Nimbleness
  • Ninaran
  • Ninaren Olossyne
  • Ninaren Olosynne
  • Ninaren Olósynne
  • Ninaren Olósynne
  • Nine Pashas Trading Coster
  • Ninth Scimitar Garrison
  • Nisa Vasuda
  • Nixie (Creature)
  • Nobility of Waterdeep
  • Non-Player Characters (Dales)
  • Non-Player Characters in Spellbound
  • Nondetection (Spell)
  • Nord Elethlim
  • North Country
  • North Ward
  • Northgate
  • Nualorminoalh
  • Nueth’s Fine Nets
  • Nymia Focar
  • Nymph (Creature)
  • Obscure Object (Spell)
  • Obscuring Mist (Spell)
  • Obsequious
  • Obsidian Scythe
  • Ochre Jelly (Creature)
  • Octopus (Creature)
  • Octopus, Giant (Creature)
  • Odessa Ilyanova
  • Odessa
  • Of Man's First Disobedience (2COT21)
  • Official Rules of the Spellbound Game
  • Ogre (Creature)
  • Ogre Barbarian (Creature)
  • Ogre Mage (Creature)
  • Oksana Tepes
  • Old Campaigns
  • Old Info
  • Old Knot Shop
  • Old Shanatar
  • Old Swords
  • Old Xoblob Shop
  • Older Front-page Content
  • Oliver Tenant
  • Olmhazan’s Jewels
  • Once More Unto the Breach (COT3-1a)
  • One Faithful Harp Shall Praise Thee (2COT32)
  • Ooze (Creature)
  • Ooze Mephit (Creature)
  • Opal
  • Opalline Scepter
  • Open Game License v1.0a
  • Open Lock (Skill)
  • Open Lock
  • Open_Close (Spell)
  • Orblen
  • Orc (Creature)
  • Orc (Midnight)
  • Orc-Slayer (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Order of the Phoenix
  • Order of the Thunder God
  • Order's Wrath (Spell)
  • Order’s Wrath (Spell)
  • Orders
  • Order’s Wrath (Spell)
  • Oreal Nanther
  • Organizations of Faerun
  • Orl
  • Orlpar Husteem's residence
  • Orm’s Highbench
  • Orora Phaundal
  • Orsabbas’'s Fine Imports
  • Orsabbas’s Fine Imports
  • Ort
  • Orthodox Church of Impiltur
  • Orthodox Church
  • Orthodox Faith
  • Osbrin Selchoun
  • Osco
  • Osiir Sabban
  • Osiirdah
  • Osyluth (Creature)
  • Otahl Sabban
  • Oth
  • Othlor (Prestige Class)
  • Otyugh (Creature)
  • Overland Flight (Spell)
  • Overview
  • Owl (Creature)
  • Owl's Wisdom (Spell)
  • Owl's Wisdom, Mass (Spell)
  • Owl, Giant (Creature)
  • Owlbear (Creature)
  • PCs (Dales)
  • PCs (Ether)
  • PCs
  • Pahlemm Sabban
  • Palace Paddocks
  • Palace Sabban
  • Palace Stables
  • Palace Storage
  • Palace Ward
  • Palace of the Cresting Wave
  • Palace of the Murabirs
  • Paladin (Class)
  • Paladin Spell List
  • Paladin
  • Palaghard II
  • Panacea (Spell)
  • Paradise
  • Paragon Creature (Epic Creature)
  • Paralyzed (M&M3)
  • Paris
  • Party Treasure (Dales)
  • Party Treasure (Spellbound)
  • Party Treasure
  • Parzal the Outrageous
  • Pasha Abhuk
  • Pasha Akhadar
  • Pasha Awadabh
  • Pasha Baadilhaela
  • Pasha Baalaed
  • Pasha Badayin
  • Pasha Bhinasal
  • Pasha Dasanm
  • Pasha Daud el Vehmet
  • Pasha Ehmarik
  • Pasha Ghaebir
  • Pasha Ghasael
  • Pasha Haesib
  • Pasha Haraf
  • Pasha Haris
  • Pasha Hidashar
  • Pasha Iserib
  • Pasha Izaez
  • Pasha Kahmir
  • Pasha Khaetim
  • Pasha Khafif
  • Pasha Mitayn
  • Pasha Modiminah
  • Pasha Mohandis
  • Pasha Ozar
  • Pasha Qoriha
  • Pasha Rabta
  • Pasha Rasûl
  • Pasha Rasûla
  • Pasha Rasûl
  • Pasha Rasûla
  • Pasha Samarkhan
  • Pasha Saralon
  • Pasha Semasim
  • Pasha Sha'al
  • Pasha Synnabat
  • Pasha Talaeta
  • Pasha Tehibi
  • Pasha Tomouh
  • Pasha Wariq
  • Pasha Ydarit
  • Pasha Yekhol
  • Pasha Yisaemid
  • Pasha Yshriin
  • Pasha Yzhan
  • Pasha and Sabbalad Nalihleb
  • Pasha's Sabban
  • Pasha
  • Pass of Thazar
  • Pass without Trace (Spell)
  • Passwall (Spell)
  • Patient Fingers Finework
  • Patrick's Character
  • Peaktop Aerie
  • Pearl Cross
  • Peerage of the Realms
  • Pegasus (Creature)
  • Peirgeiron
  • Pelauvir'’s Counter
  • Pelauvir’s Counter
  • Penny
  • Peraphon Thond
  • Perfected One (Class)
  • Perfected One (Prestige Class)
  • Perfected One
  • Perform (Skill)
  • Perform
  • Permanency (Spell)
  • Permanent Image (Spell)
  • Perratus the Blacknose
  • Persistent Image (Spell)
  • Peuter Marsk
  • Pewterers’ and Casters’ Guildhall
  • Phaethon (Epic Creature)
  • Phalantar’s Philtres & Components
  • Phalorm
  • Phane (Epic Creature)
  • Phantasmal Killer (Spell)
  • Phantom Fungus (Creature)
  • Phantom Fungus
  • Phantom Steed (Spell)
  • Phantom Trap (Spell)
  • Pharaoh Horustep III
  • Pharos
  • Pharra's Alley
  • Phase Door (Spell)
  • Phase Spider (Creature)
  • Phasm (Creature)
  • Phaulkonmere
  • Philosopher's Court
  • Phlan
  • Phourken One-Eye
  • Phrenic Creature (Creature)
  • Phthisic (Creature)
  • Phull Villa
  • Phylactery of Warding
  • Phylund Villa
  • Piatran’s Clothiers
  • Piergeiron the Paladinson
  • Piergeiron's Palace
  • Piergeiron
  • Piergeiron’s Palace
  • Piiradost Villa
  • Pilgrims’' Rest
  • Pillars of Imaskar
  • Pit Fiend (Creature)
  • Pixie (Creature)
  • Plains of Purple Dust
  • Planar Ally (Spell)
  • Planar Ally, Greater (Spell)
  • Planar Ally, Lesser (Spell)
  • Planar Binding (Spell)
  • Planar Binding, Greater (Spell)
  • Planar Binding, Lesser (Spell)
  • Plane Shift (Spell)
  • Planetar (Creature)
  • Planetouched (Creature)
  • Planning (Unther)
  • Plant Growth (Spell)
  • Plateau of Thay
  • Platinum
  • Playa Del Rey Summer Camp - The Best Choice For Your Family
  • Player Characters (Loretan)
  • Player Characters in Spellbound
  • Player Options
  • Plaza of Divine Truth
  • Pleasure Planet
  • Plots (Spellbound)
  • Poison (Spell)
  • Polar Ray (Spell)
  • Polyblasian
  • Polymorph (Spell)
  • Polymorph Any Object (Spell)
  • Pony (Creature)
  • Pony, War (Creature)
  • Pook's Palace
  • Porpoise (Creature)
  • Portals
  • Power Sources
  • Power Word Blind (Spell)
  • Power Word Kill (Spell)
  • Power Word Stun (Spell)
  • Power Word, Shield
  • Prayer (Spell)
  • Prayer Alley
  • Praying Mantis, Giant (Creature)
  • Pre-History
  • Prendergast Brokengulf
  • Prestidigitation (Spell)
  • Prestige Classes of the Realms
  • Prestige Classes
  • Priador (Tharch)
  • Priador
  • Priest Spell List
  • Priest Spells by Level
  • Priest Spells by Sphere
  • Priest
  • Primal Elementalist (Prestige Class)
  • Prismasaurus (Epic Creature)
  • Prismatic Sphere (Spell)
  • Prismatic Spray (Spell)
  • Prismatic Wall (Spell)
  • Probe Thoughts (Spell)
  • Produce Flame (Spell)
  • Profession (Skill)
  • Profession
  • Programmed Image (Spell)
  • Project Image (Spell)
  • Project W
  • Prone (M&M3)
  • Proof against Transmutation
  • Propriety
  • Protection from Arrows (Spell)
  • Protection from Chaos (Spell)
  • Protection from Energy (Spell)
  • Protection from Evil (Spell)
  • Protection from Good (Spell)
  • Protection from Law (Spell)
  • Protection from Spells (Spell)
  • Prying Eyes (Spell)
  • Prying Eyes, Greater (Spell)
  • Pseudodragon (Creature)
  • Pseudonatural Creature (Epic Creature)
  • Pseudonatural Troll (Epic Creature)
  • Psicraft (Skill)
  • Psicraft
  • Psicrystal (Creature)
  • Psion-Killer (Creature)
  • Psionic Items: Power Stones (Rules)
  • Puppeteer (Creature)
  • Puppeteer, Flesh Harrower (Creature)
  • Purify Food and Drink (Spell)
  • Purple Dragons of Cormyr
  • Purple Worm (Creature)
  • Pwyll Daggerford
  • Pyarados (Tharch)
  • Pyarados
  • Pyrados
  • Pyras Autorian
  • Pyrotechnics (Spell)
  • Qayadin
  • Qhibal Sabban
  • Qilue Veladorn
  • Quaff Alley
  • Quartermaster's Report
  • Quartz Crystal Wand
  • Quasit (Creature)
  • Queen Ceresia
  • Quench (Spell)
  • Quick Guide to BDH Factions
  • Quickened Donning (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Quill Alley
  • Quill Ward
  • Quiver of Solonor
  • Qysagghani Fortress
  • Qysaghanni
  • Qysar
  • R'taalin Armorers
  • Races (Earth)
  • Races (SRD)
  • Races of Midnight
  • Races
  • Rafayam
  • Rafayar
  • Ragathan Furriers
  • Rage (Spell)
  • Rainbow Pattern (Spell)
  • Raise Dead (Spell)
  • Raithen Nightsong
  • Rakshasa (Creature)
  • Ral Vlacul
  • Ralbahr Tahyr el Pesarkhal
  • Ralbahr
  • Rana Kaelain
  • Random Charm Generation (Midnight)
  • Ranger (Class)
  • Ranger Spell List
  • Ranger
  • Ranks and Measures (M&M3)
  • Ranneck
  • Rapha Tanthul
  • Rashemen
  • Rashemi
  • Rast (Creature)
  • Rat (Creature)
  • Rat Swarm (Creature)
  • Rat, Dire (Creature)
  • Raurin Desert
  • Raurin Dust Desert
  • Rauthengflow
  • Raven (Creature)
  • Raven
  • Ravenar
  • Ravenhold
  • Raventree Villa
  • Ravid (Creature)
  • Ray of Enfeeblement (Spell)
  • Ray of Exhaustion (Spell)
  • Ray of Frost (Spell)
  • Raynar Thrul
  • Raynar
  • Read Magic (Spell)
  • Realm of Three Crowns
  • Realm of the Sword and the Wand
  • Rebeka Vatraska
  • Rebel character infobox
  • Red Sails
  • Red Tear
  • Red Wizard (Prestige Class)
  • Rednose Alley
  • Reduce Animal (Spell)
  • Reduce Person (Spell)
  • Reduce Person, Mass (Spell)
  • Refuge (Spell)
  • Regenerate (Spell)
  • Regent-King Aleric
  • Reincarnate (Spell)
  • Relkath's Foot
  • Remorhaz (Creature)
  • Remove Blindness_Deafness (Spell)
  • Remove Curse (Spell)
  • Remove Disease (Spell)
  • Remove Fear (Spell)
  • Remove Paralysis (Spell)
  • Renewal Pact (Spell)
  • Repel Metal or Stone (Spell)
  • Repel Vermin (Spell)
  • Repel Wood (Spell)
  • Repulsion (Spell)
  • Resilient Sphere (Spell)
  • Resist Energy (Spell)
  • Resistance (Spell)
  • Restoration (Spell)
  • Restoration, Greater (Spell)
  • Restoration, Lesser (Spell)
  • Restrained (M&M3)
  • Restricted
  • Resurrection (Spell)
  • Retriever (Creature)
  • Reverse Gravity (Spell)
  • Revify (Spell)
  • Revised Races of Midnight
  • Revivify (Spell)
  • Rewards: Coming of Twilight, Interlude 1
  • Rewards: Destroyer
  • Rewards: Tyan Voth
  • Rhangaun
  • Rhauntides' Tower
  • Rhauntides
  • Rhiann
  • Rhigaerd II
  • Rhingalade’s harp
  • Rhingalade’s harp
  • Rhinoceros (Creature)
  • Rhys Fairchild
  • Riautar’s Weaponry
  • Ride (Skill)
  • Ride
  • Righteous Might (Spell)
  • Rilimbrar Heltharn
  • Rilimbrar
  • Ring of Gray Flames
  • Ring of Three Colors
  • Ring of lore
  • Rise of the Empress
  • Rise of the Thayan Empire
  • Rising Moon Inn
  • Ritual Magic (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Rivalen Tanthul
  • River Delimbiyr
  • River Gate
  • River Gauros
  • River Lapendrar
  • River Rauthengflow
  • River Sur
  • River Thay
  • River Thazarim
  • River Umber
  • River of Shadows
  • River of Spears
  • River of Swords
  • River of the Dawn
  • Roads' End
  • Roaringhorn Villa
  • Roaringhorn
  • Robe of many sigils
  • Roc (Creature)
  • Rochefort
  • Rod of Negation
  • Rogue (Class)
  • Rogue (Midnight) (Class)
  • Rogue Stone
  • Rogue
  • Roguerun Alley
  • Rohan Hawkshill
  • Rohan Lhal
  • Rohan
  • Rokkek Ingerr's Residence
  • Roland Black
  • Roland Drakov
  • Roll of Impilturan Monarchs
  • Roll of Years (Chronological)
  • Roman Banacath
  • Rook Alley
  • Rope Trick (Spell)
  • Roper (Creature)
  • Rosznar Villa
  • Round Again Alley
  • Rowan Silvercrown
  • Royal Signet of the White Queen
  • Rôghiian Stables
  • Ruais
  • Ruby
  • Ruid the Damned
  • Ruid's Stroll
  • Ruin Swarm (Epic Creature)
  • Ruldegost Villa
  • Runer's Alley
  • Runik Sorenson of Orin
  • Running Rocks
  • Rust Monster (Creature)
  • Rusting Grasp (Spell)
  • Ruthammar Plateau
  • Rylaun Greyshade
  • Rylauntyrr Zauvirr Veladorn
  • Rylauntyrr'Trinth ne'De'Viir
  • Rysal
  • Rôghiian Stables
  • SLA Treasure
  • SRD
  • SV-4F
  • Sabbalad
  • Sabbaladah Dahaban
  • Sabban
  • Sabbar's Alley
  • Saddlers’ & Harness-Makers’ Hall
  • Sadidah Taorahl
  • Sadidah
  • Sadidahjalan
  • Sadidrif
  • Sadimmin
  • Sadufah's Tannery
  • Saern’s Fine Swords
  • Sage of Shadowdale
  • Sahar Sabban
  • Saharel
  • Sahuagin (Creature)
  • Sakura of Kleindorf
  • Sakura
  • Salamander (Creature)
  • Salamander, Average (Creature)
  • Salamander, Flamebrother (Creature)
  • Salamander, Noble (Creature)
  • Salehlon's Carpets
  • Salember "the Rebel Prince"
  • Salember
  • Sallus Keru
  • Salt Mephit (Creature)
  • Salve of minor spell resistance
  • Sam Harrington
  • Samael Arcosian
  • Sambryl Heltharn
  • Sampranasz
  • Sanctuary (Spell)
  • Sandstone Golems
  • Santa Monica summer camp - Making a Positive Memory for the Child
  • Sapphire
  • Saqirbhalan
  • Sarcosan Pureblood (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Sarcosans
  • Saref
  • Sarschel
  • Satchel Alley
  • Sated Satyr
  • Satrap
  • Satyr (Creature)
  • Save Bonus Template Test
  • Scare (Spell)
  • Scarlet Blaze
  • Scathril
  • Schamazharkh
  • Scheherazade, Staff of A Thousand Suns
  • Scintillating Pattern (Spell)
  • Scirkhel Wands
  • Scorching Ray (Spell)
  • Scorpion, Colossal Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Devastation (Epic Creature)
  • Scorpion, Gargantuan Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Huge Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Large Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Medium Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Small Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Tiny Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scrag (Creature)
  • Screen (Spell)
  • Scrying (Spell)
  • Scrying, Greater (Spell)
  • Sculpt Sound (Spell)
  • Sdm
  • Sea Cat (Creature)
  • Sea Hag (Creature)
  • Sea Ward
  • Sea of Dlurg
  • Sea of Fallen Stars
  • Seal of the Raging Titan
  • Sealed Tome
  • Sean Gabriel O'Keeffe
  • Search (Skill)
  • Search
  • Searing Light (Spell)
  • Seawind Alley
  • Sea’s Edge Beach
  • Sebastian Becket
  • Sebastian Lazarus Becket
  • Second Escarpment
  • Secret Chest (Spell)
  • Secret Page (Spell)
  • Secure Shelter (Spell)
  • See Invisibility (Spell)
  • Seeming (Spell)
  • Selamek's Scarlet Cross Trading Coster Warehouse
  • Selcharoon Nrim
  • Selchoun’'s Sundries
  • Selchoun’s Sundries
  • Self-Identifying Magic Items
  • Selune (astrological symbol)
  • Semphar
  • Semphâr
  • Semphâr
  • Sending (Spell)
  • Sense Motive (Skill)
  • Sense Motive
  • Sense Nexus (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Sepia Snake Sigil (Spell)
  • Sequester (Spell)
  • Serafina Horowicz
  • Sergei Gaznayev
  • Sergei Vlacul
  • Serpentil Books & Folios
  • Session 1
  • Session 2
  • Session Five
  • Session Four - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session Four
  • Session Log
  • Session One - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session One
  • Session Seven
  • Session Six
  • Session Three - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session Three
  • Session Two - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session Two
  • Sessrendale
  • Sethma's Court
  • Setting (Ether)
  • Seven Chalices Trading House
  • Seven Draughts
  • Sevenlamps Cut
  • Shackles Ward
  • Shade
  • Shades (Spell)
  • Shades of Gray
  • Shadow (Creature)
  • Shadow Adept (Prestige Class)
  • Shadow Conjuration (Spell)
  • Shadow Conjuration, Greater (Spell)
  • Shadow Evocation (Spell)
  • Shadow Evocation, Greater (Spell)
  • Shadow Magic
  • Shadow Mastiff (Creature)
  • Shadow Of The Void (Epic Creature)
  • Shadow Techniques
  • Shadow Walk (Spell)
  • Shadow, Greater (Creature)
  • Shadowfell Gloves
  • Shadows Alley
  • Shadows of Calimshan
  • Shadows of the Past, Treasure Awards
  • Shadows of the Past
  • Shadowtop
  • Shalanna Duthmere
  • Shaman (Class)
  • Shaman Totems
  • Shambler (Spell)
  • Shambling Mound (Creature)
  • Shanate
  • Shangalar the Black
  • Shank Alley
  • Shape Of Fire (Epic Creature)
  • Shapechange (Spell)
  • Sharakh
  • Shared Dreamstate
  • Shark (Creature)
  • Shark, Dire (Creature)
  • Shark, Huge (Creature)
  • Shark, Large (Creature)
  • Shark, Medium (Creature)
  • Sharra's Flight
  • Shatter (Spell)
  • Shattercrock Alley
  • Shelamardah
  • Sherry
  • Shevel
  • Shield (Spell)
  • Shield Dwarf
  • Shield Guardian (Creature)
  • Shield Hall
  • Shield Other (Spell)
  • Shield dwarves
  • Shield of Faith (Spell)
  • Shield of Law (Spell)
  • Shield of vigilance
  • Shiinalidajh
  • Shillelagh (Spell)
  • Ship of the Gods
  • Shipmates' Hall
  • Shocker Lizard (Creature)
  • Shocking Grasp (Spell)
  • Sholeh Sabban
  • Shoon VII
  • Shout (Spell)
  • Shout, Greater (Spell)
  • Shrieker (Creature)
  • Shrink Item (Spell)
  • Shyk
  • Shyrrhr’s House
  • Shyvar Pass
  • Sigil of Fire
  • Silavene’s
  • Sildëyuir
  • Sildëyuir
  • Silence (Spell)
  • Silent Image (Spell)
  • Silmerhelve Villa
  • Silver Blood (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Silver Marches Moon
  • Silver Storm (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Silver Wind (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Silver
  • Silverymoon Epilogue
  • Silverymoon
  • Simbul
  • Simulacrum (Spell)
  • Sir Christian of Impiltur
  • Sirrush (Epic Creature)
  • Sisterhood of the Sacred Salvation
  • Sitrep
  • Six Minutes to Midnight (2COT46)
  • Sjûl Sabban
  • Sjûl Sabban
  • Skeleton (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Advanced Megaraptor (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Chimera (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Cloud Giant (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Ettin (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Human Warrior (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Owlbear (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Troll (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Wolf (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Young Adult Red Dragon (Creature)
  • Skill Summary (SRD Rules)
  • Skills (Midnight)
  • Skills
  • Skuld
  • Skullport
  • Skum (Creature)
  • Slarkrethel
  • Slay Living (Spell)
  • Sleep (Spell)
  • Sleet Storm (Spell)
  • Sleight of Hand (Skill)
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Slow (Spell)
  • Sluth
  • Snake (Creature)
  • Snake, Constrictor (Creature)
  • Snake, Giant Constrictor (Creature)
  • Snake, Huge Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Large Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Medium Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Small Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Tiny Viper (Creature)
  • Snare (Spell)
  • Sniff Alley
  • Snome Villa
  • Soargar's Legacy
  • Soargar
  • Socothbenoth
  • Soften Earth and Stone (Spell)
  • Sojrab Sabban
  • Solar (Creature)
  • Solid Fog (Spell)
  • Solon Zhi
  • Song of Discord (Spell)
  • Sophia Lauviger
  • Sophia von Albrecht
  • Sorcerer (Class)
  • Sorcerer
  • Sorcerer_Wizard Spell List
  • Soul Bind (Spell)
  • Soul Scour (Spell)
  • Sound Burst (Spell)
  • Sourcebooks
  • South Gate
  • South Ward
  • Southern Ward
  • Spandeliyon
  • Speak Language (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Speak Language (Skill)
  • Speak Language
  • Speak with Animals (Spell)
  • Speak with Dead (Spell)
  • Speak with Plants (Spell)
  • Special Materials
  • Spectral Hand (Spell)
  • Spectral Harpist
  • Spectralhouse
  • Spectre (Creature)
  • Spell 1
  • Spell 2
  • Spell 3
  • Spell Immunity (Spell)
  • Spell Immunity, Greater (Spell)
  • Spell Knowledge (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Spell Lists & Domains
  • Spell Lists
  • Spell Resistance (Spell)
  • Spell Talismans (Midnight)
  • Spell Turning (Spell)
  • Spellbound (Campaign Setting)
  • Spellbound (DM)
  • Spellbound (The Errant Spades)
  • Spellbound Epilogue
  • Spellbound Rules Updates
  • Spellbound, General Future Sessions
  • Spellbound, Session 1
  • Spellbound, Session 10
  • Spellbound, Session 11
  • Spellbound, Session 12
  • Spellbound, Session 13
  • Spellbound, Session 14
  • Spellbound, Session 15
  • Spellbound, Session 15b
  • Spellbound, Session 16
  • Spellbound, Session 17
  • Spellbound, Session 18
  • Spellbound, Session 19
  • Spellbound, Session 2
  • Spellbound, Session 20
  • Spellbound, Session 21
  • Spellbound, Session 22
  • Spellbound, Session 23
  • Spellbound, Session 3
  • Spellbound, Session 4
  • Spellbound, Session 5
  • Spellbound, Session 6
  • Spellbound, Session 7
  • Spellbound, Session 8
  • Spellbound, Session 9
  • Spellbound
  • Spellbound: A Divergence of Goals
  • Spellbound: Choose Your Own Adventure
  • Spellbound: New Rules, Part 2
  • Spellbound: Which Game to Play?
  • Spellbound: in space?
  • Spellcasting (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Spellcraft (Skill)
  • Spellcraft
  • Spells (House Rules)
  • Spells
  • Spellslinger (Class)
  • Spellstaff (Spell)
  • Spendthrift Alley
  • Sphinx (Creature)
  • Spider Climb (Spell)
  • Spider Eater (Creature)
  • Spider Swarm (Creature)
  • Spider, Colossal Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Devastation (Epic Creature)
  • Spider, Gargantuan Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Huge Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Large Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Medium Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Small Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Tiny Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spike Growth (Spell)
  • Spike Stones (Spell)
  • Spires of the Morning
  • Spirit Naga (Creature)
  • Spiritual Weapon (Spell)
  • Spoils Alley
  • Spoils of the Conquered Warlock
  • Spot (Skill)
  • Spot
  • Sprite (Creature)
  • Square of the Djen
  • Squid (Creature)
  • Squid, Giant (Creature)
  • Stabbed Sailor Alley
  • Stables of Tobeah
  • Staff of the Fire God
  • Staggered (M&M3)
  • Star Ruby
  • Star Sapphire
  • Star wars character template
  • Starnaer
  • Starting Equipment (Midnight)
  • Starting Information - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Starting Wealth
  • Stationers’ Hall
  • Statue (Spell)
  • Status (Spell)
  • Steam Mephit (Creature)
  • Stefan Bachmeier
  • Stinking Cloud (Spell)
  • Stirge (Creature)
  • Stone Body (Spell)
  • Stone Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Stone Giant (Creature)
  • Stone Giant Elder (Creature)
  • Stone Golem (Creature)
  • Stone Golem, Greater (Creature)
  • Stone Shape (Spell)
  • Stone Soup (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Stone Tell (Spell)
  • Stone of Kest
  • Stone to Flesh (Spell)
  • Stoneskin (Spell)
  • Stooger
  • Storm Giant (Creature)
  • Storm Silverhand
  • Storm armor of the earth's children
  • Storm of Vengeance (Spell)
  • Storm
  • Stormhome
  • Stormspell Mage
  • Stormwatch
  • Stormweather Villa
  • Story Time
  • Storytelling for Beginners
  • Strength
  • Stunned (M&M3)
  • StupidWTF
  • Subpage Test
  • Subpage Test_Subpage 1
  • Succubus (Creature)
  • Suggestion (Spell)
  • Suggestion, Mass (Spell)
  • Sulmest’s Splendid Shoes & Boots
  • Sultan
  • Sultlue Vault
  • Sultlue Villa
  • Summarl's Scrolls and Maps
  • Summon Fiendish Raven
  • Summon Instrument (Spell)
  • Summon Monster I (Spell)
  • Summon Monster II (Spell)
  • Summon Monster III (Spell)
  • Summon Monster IV (Spell)
  • Summon Monster IX (Spell)
  • Summon Monster Table (SRD Spell)
  • Summon Monster Table (Spell)
  • Summon Monster V (Spell)
  • Summon Monster VI (Spell)
  • Summon Monster VII (Spell)
  • Summon Monster VIII (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally I (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally II (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally III (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally IV (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally IX (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally Table (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally V (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally VI (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally VII (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally VIII (Spell)
  • Summon Ragewalker
  • Summon Swarm (Spell)
  • Summon Swarm II
  • Summon Swarm III
  • Summon Sword Archon
  • Sun (astrological symbol)
  • Sun Li-Sheng
  • Sun
  • Sunbeam (Spell)
  • Sunburst (Spell)
  • Sune's Abandon
  • Sunglade
  • Sunned Barley Villa
  • Sunrise Escarpment
  • Sunrise Mountains
  • Superb advice For picking An Pacific Palisades summer camp
  • Supersphere Theory (TNC1)
  • Supersphere Theory
  • Supreme Dispelling
  • Surague Escarpment
  • Surmarsh
  • Surprised (M&M3)
  • Surthay (Tharch)
  • Surthay
  • Surtlan’s Metalwares
  • Survival (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Survival (Skill)
  • Survival
  • Suryn
  • Suryvlashadah
  • Sustaining Spoon
  • Svetlana Marisova
  • Svirfneblin (Creature)
  • Swarm (Creature)
  • Swim (Skill)
  • Swim
  • Sword Dancer (Prestige Class)
  • Sword Mountains
  • Syd
  • Sydaren Delcorenrath
  • Syl-Pasha
  • Syl-Sultan
  • Syl-vizar
  • Syl
  • Sylune Silverhand
  • Syluné
  • Syluné
  • Sylvia Hart
  • Sylvia Praka
  • Symbol I (Spell)
  • Symbol II (Spell)
  • Symbol III (Spell)
  • Symbol IV (Spell)
  • Symbol V (Spell)
  • Symbol of Death (Spell)
  • Symbol of Fear (Spell)
  • Symbol of Insanity (Spell)
  • Symbol of Pain (Spell)
  • Symbol of Persuasion (Spell)
  • Symbol of Sleep (Spell)
  • Symbol of Stunning (Spell)
  • Symbol of Weakness (Spell)
  • Sympathetic Vibration (Spell)
  • Sympathy (Spell)
  • Syrimatarah
  • Systems
  • Szafyragosa
  • Szass Tam
  • Szoth
  • T'Quession
  • Taanith's Khanduq
  • Tabarif
  • Tabarifa
  • Tabuq's Nightmares
  • Taerako Statuary and Stonework
  • Tahkasra Sasson
  • Takhasra Sasson
  • Talatha Vaerovree
  • Talk:A. Simon Vail
  • Talk:Alerion Flameborn
  • Talk:Artificer (Class)
  • Talk:Arturo DeNada
  • Talk:Brendan Hurst
  • Talk:Complete List of Prestige Classes of the Realms
  • Talk:Conrad Kessler
  • Talk:Dark Dagger
  • Talk:Devora Galasjbruna
  • Talk:Dorian Adricus
  • Talk:Elwrynn Galanodiel
  • Talk:Empathic Transfer, Hostile (Psionic Power)
  • Talk:Etherscope
  • Talk:Fict:A Conversation with Devora
  • Talk:Hurl Thunderbolt (Spell)
  • Talk:Imaskar
  • Talk:Incantatrix (Prestige Class)
  • Talk:It just so happens
  • Talk:Jared Althame
  • Talk:John Smith (Xaa Juyaay)
  • Talk:Justinian
  • Talk:Kage Tenjin
  • Talk:Magic in Midnight
  • Talk:Main Page
  • Talk:Martinet of Gilgeam (Prestige Class)
  • Talk:Master of the Order of the Phoenix (Prestige Class)
  • Talk:Moonstars
  • Talk:Official Rules of the Spellbound Game
  • Talk:Party Treasure (Spellbound)
  • Talk:Sitrep
  • Talk:Spellbound Rules Updates
  • Talk:Spellbound: A Divergence of Goals
  • Talk:Spellbound: Choose Your Own Adventure
  • Talk:Spellbound: Which Game to Play?
  • Talk:Staff of the Fire God
  • Talk:Storytelling for Beginners
  • Talk:Subpage Test
  • Talk:Takhasra Sasson
  • Talk:Tiamat Temple Treasure
  • Talk:Use of this wiki
  • Talk:Warlock Spell List
  • Talk:Zen Archer
  • Talmost Villa
  • Talos Arrnath
  • Talrendis Sunshadow
  • Talrendis
  • Tamramujah
  • Tanalasta Obarskyr
  • Tannath Gap
  • Tannath Mountains
  • Tannyth
  • Taorahl Drudach
  • Taporan
  • Tarm Villa
  • Tarrasque (Creature)
  • Tarsakh
  • Tarshaj Sabban
  • Tarzshaj Sabban
  • Tasha's Spell List
  • Tatyana Drakov
  • Tavaray
  • Tavboryn
  • Tavhir Sabban
  • Tavihr Sabban
  • Tayellah (Epic Creature)
  • Tchazzam Villa
  • Tehmak’s Coaches
  • Telamont Tanthul
  • Telamuzhidah
  • Telekinesis (Spell)
  • Telekinetic Sphere (Spell)
  • Telepathic Bond (Spell)
  • Telepathic Bond, Lesser (Spell)
  • Teleport (Spell)
  • Teleport Object (Spell)
  • Teleport, Greater (Spell)
  • Teleportation Circle (Spell)
  • Tellgor Cogswrench
  • Temp
  • Template:!
  • Template:*
  • Template:+
  • Template:Age
  • Template:Base Attack Bonus
  • Template:Birth date and age
  • Template:Character Sheet 2
  • Template:Character Sheet 3
  • Template:Character Sheet Brief
  • Template:Character Sheet
  • Template:Character
  • Template:City
  • Template:Class Chart Base Level
  • Template:Class Chart Base
  • Template:Class Chart Level
  • Template:Class Chart
  • Template:Class table
  • Template:Cleanup
  • Template:Country
  • Template:Creature Table
  • Template:Creature Table_Data
  • Template:DC Database:Location Template
  • Template:DM
  • Template:Dragon
  • Template:Dragon_Abilities
  • Template:Dragon_Abilities_Row
  • Template:Dragon_By Age
  • Template:Dragon_By Age_Row
  • Template:Fact
  • Template:Faerun
  • Template:Floater
  • Template:Generic Class Chart
  • Template:Generic Class Table
  • Template:Generic Table Noheader
  • Template:Generic Table
  • Template:Infobox Celebrity
  • Template:Infobox Country or territory
  • Template:Infobox Former Country
  • Template:Infobox Military Conflict
  • Template:Infobox Mountain
  • Template:Infobox building
  • Template:Infobox lake
  • Template:Infobox lake_conv
  • Template:Infobox lake_convert
  • Template:Lake
  • Template:MONTHNAME
  • Template:MONTHNUMBER
  • Template:Monster Table
  • Template:NPOV language
  • Template:Narr
  • Template:Nation
  • Template:Noble House
  • Template:Not verified
  • Template:Note
  • Template:Nowrap
  • Template:OGL Bottom
  • Template:OGL Top
  • Template:Odd or Even
  • Template:Ordinal
  • Template:Organization
  • Template:Person
  • Template:Pipe
  • Template:Plus
  • Template:Protected template
  • Template:Rebel character infobox
  • Template:SRD Spell Footer
  • Template:SWCharacter
  • Template:Save Bonus
  • Template:Sorcerer Spells per Day
  • Template:Spell Progression
  • Template:Spell
  • Template:Split
  • Template:Star wars character template
  • Template:Starship
  • Template:Template1
  • Template:Verify source
  • Template:War
  • TemplateTest1
  • Temple of Good Cheer
  • Temple of Old Night
  • Temporal Filcher (Creature)
  • Temporal Stasis (Spell)
  • Tendriculos (Creature)
  • Tenure in the Collegia
  • Tesper Villa
  • Tespergates
  • Tessalar’s Tower
  • Tessele Whitehorn
  • Test Page
  • Tethyrian
  • Thaaleqab Khanduq
  • Thann Villa
  • Thann
  • Tharch
  • Tharchion
  • Tharchions of Thay
  • Tharchions
  • Tharchs
  • Tharqualnaar
  • Thasunta
  • Thay Statistics
  • Thay
  • Thayan Escarpments
  • Thayan Intervention in Unther
  • Thaymount (Tharch)
  • Thaymount
  • Thazalhar (Tharch)
  • Thazalhar
  • Thazar Pass
  • The Adhavensarai
  • The Anhakhamarkha
  • The Arena Efreetum
  • The Arena Sabam
  • The Arms House
  • The Auret
  • The Bakkal's Dial
  • The Bards' Wisdom
  • The Beacon of Battle
  • The Beer Golem
  • The Bent Nail
  • The Bindery
  • The Black Dolphin's Wake
  • The Black Flame
  • The Blackstar Inn
  • The Bloody Fist
  • The Blue Alley
  • The Blue Jack
  • The Blue Mermaid
  • The Blue Wyrm
  • The Blushing Mermaid
  • The Bowels of the Earth
  • The Breaking of the Fellowship (1.5COT)
  • The Breaking of the Fellowship
  • The Broken Lance
  • The Brood of Maldariasellice
  • The Brotherhood of Righteous Wrath
  • The Brothers Humuz
  • The Cabin at the End of Time (COT3-1d)
  • The Calendar of Harptos
  • The Cat's Tail
  • The Cattlemans' House
  • The Chawal's Bridle
  • The Chawal's House
  • The Chosen of Mystra
  • The Church of the Lords Assembled
  • The Circle's Ovens
  • The Citadel
  • The City of the Dead
  • The Coach and Wagon Hall
  • The Coiled Quelzarn Tower
  • The Coinchapel
  • The Collegia
  • The Color of Ambition (Adventure)
  • The Coming of Twilight, Episode One
  • The Coming of Twilight, Session 10
  • The Coming of Twilight
  • The Company of Crazed Venturers
  • The Copper Ante
  • The Copper Cup
  • The Cormyrean Embassy
  • The Costerest
  • The Counting House
  • The Covenant
  • The Crawling Spider
  • The Crown of Shadows Campaign
  • The Curious Past
  • The Curseforged Armor of Etikan Nyek
  • The Cynosure
  • The Dalelands
  • The Dancing Dragon
  • The Dao's Step
  • The Darkness Passing
  • The Darkness Revealed (1COT2)
  • The Darkness Revealed (Coming of Twilight, S1E2)
  • The Dawn Belltowers
  • The Dawn of Defiance
  • The Desert's Grifthouse
  • The Dragon Tower of Maaril
  • The Dragon's Maw
  • The Dragonshards
  • The Dragon’s Head Tavern
  • The Easting Coast
  • The Elfstone Tavern
  • The Empress of Thay
  • The Empress
  • The Errant Spades
  • The Everfull Jack
  • The Eye Tyrant's End
  • The Eye Tyrant's Khanduq
  • The Fang
  • The Fetters
  • The Fiery Flagon
  • The Fires of Love (Quest)
  • The First Trader's Drink
  • The Font of Knowledge
  • The Forcebar
  • The Foreign Canton
  • The Fountain of the Qysars
  • The Four Villas of Castle Ward
  • The Fourth Cataclysm (story)
  • The Fourth Cataclysm
  • The Full Cup
  • The Gallery Majesta
  • The Galloping Minotaur
  • The Game Has Changed (2COT44)
  • The Garrulous Grocer
  • The Gathering Storm
  • The Gauntlet Guardant
  • The Gentle Mermaid
  • The Gentle Rest
  • The Ghostwalk
  • The Gilded Lantern
  • The Globe Well
  • The Golden Goblet
  • The Golden Haired Harpy
  • The Golden Key Locksmiths
  • The Golden Maidens
  • The Golden Sands Brewery
  • The Good Alignment
  • The Graven Word
  • The Gray Serpent
  • The Great Northern War
  • The Green Warder
  • The Grey League
  • The Grinning Lion
  • The Guild Arcane
  • The Guild Paddock
  • The Hall of Heroes
  • The Hall of the Sages
  • The Halls of Fortune
  • The Halls of Justice
  • The Halruaan Scrivenora
  • The Hanged Man
  • The Hanging Lantern
  • The Harpers
  • The Harpoon Minaret
  • The Heritage of Eredane
  • The Heroes of Midnight
  • The History of Eredane
  • The History of the Harpers
  • The House Khateera
  • The House of Becket
  • The House of Cleanliness
  • The House of Crystal
  • The House of Five Rings
  • The House of Four Moons
  • The House of Gems
  • The House of Good Spirits
  • The House of Healing
  • The House of Heltharn
  • The House of Heroes
  • The House of Inspired Hands
  • The House of Light
  • The House of Mirandor
  • The House of Nine Blessings
  • The House of Purple Silks
  • The House of Sabira el Wijadal
  • The House of Song
  • The House of Textiles
  • The House of Wonder
  • The House of the Homeless
  • The House of the Moon
  • The Hufir el Boqariq House
  • The Hunters (1COT22)
  • The Imperious Flame
  • The Imperium Archives
  • The Iron Maidens
  • The Iumaldah
  • The Jade Dancer
  • The Jade Jug
  • The Jet Jambiya
  • The Jilted Crown (1COT23)
  • The Keeper of Thaal
  • The Khamarnari
  • The Knights of Imphras II
  • The Lantanese Falcon (1COT11)
  • The Leader of the Collegia (Quest)
  • The League Office
  • The Legacy of Midnight
  • The Loom Halls
  • The Magic of Midnight
  • The Map House
  • The Market Hall
  • The Market
  • The Marking of the Years
  • The Masked One
  • The Master Bakers’ Hall
  • The Measure House
  • The Measure of a Man (2COT34)
  • The Mermaid's Arms
  • The Minarets Muzhadahr
  • The Misty Beard
  • The Most Holy Order of the Sacred Shrike
  • The Nallojal Billets
  • The Nazullah
  • The Nentyarch
  • The Nightmare Crisis (event)
  • The Nightmare Crisis
  • The Nightmare Crisis: Continuity
  • The Ninth Bell
  • The Oasis of the White Jonquil
  • The Obarskyr Dynasty
  • The Ocean's Heart
  • The Old Guildhall
  • The Old Monster Shop
  • The Order of the Sacred Shrike
  • The Pampered Traveler
  • The Pearls
  • The Persistence of Memory (2COT42)
  • The Persistence of Memory (2COT45)
  • The Pilgrim’s Rest
  • The Place of Fire
  • The Player Characters
  • The Plinth
  • The Priador
  • The Princes of Shade
  • The Protector's Tower
  • The Prowl
  • The Purple Palace
  • The Quaffing Quaggoth
  • The Queenspire
  • The Quiver
  • The Radiant Blade
  • The Raging Lion
  • The Reach
  • The Rearing Hippocampus
  • The Red Gauntlet
  • The Red-eyed Owl
  • The Redbridle Stables
  • The Riddle of the Covenant (2COT1)
  • The Riddle of the Covenant (Coming of Twilight, S2E1)
  • The Ring of Gray Flames
  • The Riven Shield Shop
  • The River Thay
  • The River Umber
  • The Road House
  • The Roll of Years
  • The Rolling Waves
  • The Sabbalad Bartoq
  • The Sabbalad Butrys el Alix
  • The Safehaven Inn
  • The Safehaven
  • The Sahalarka
  • The Sailor’s Own
  • The Samehlariq
  • The Savage North
  • The Scholar's Priory
  • The Seldarinaradah
  • The Septim Trading Company
  • The Seven Dancing Jhasinas
  • The Seven Sisters
  • The Shadow Collegia
  • The Shadow in the North
  • The Shadows Fall (1COT)
  • The Shadows Fall (Coming of Twilight, S1)
  • The Shanates' Bounty
  • The Shining Path
  • The Shining Tankard
  • The Ship's Prow
  • The Ship’s Wheel
  • The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean (2COT42)
  • The Shou Embassy
  • The Shrine of St. Asref
  • The Shrines of Nature
  • The Silkhanduq
  • The Silver Circles
  • The Silver Hoof Stables
  • The Simbul
  • The Singing Sword
  • The Skulkway
  • The Sleeping Snake
  • The Sleeping Wench
  • The Sleepy Slyph
  • The Smiling Siren
  • The Snookery
  • The Sons of Yeenoghu
  • The Sorcerer's Hand
  • The South Gate
  • The Spell-Lord's House
  • The Sphere of Kaatos
  • The Spirits of Midnight
  • The Spitting Camel
  • The Splintered Stair
  • The Sponge Bob Campaign
  • The Spouting Fish
  • The Srinshee
  • The Steadfast Order of Shortfellow Swashbucklers
  • The Stone House
  • The Strong Arms
  • The Sufontis Market
  • The Sultan's Library
  • The Sultanadah Vyrsatyr
  • The Sultry Siren
  • The Sundering
  • The Sunrise Mountains
  • The Sword and the Rose
  • The Swords'’ Rest
  • The Swords’ Rest
  • The Temple of Beauty
  • The Temple of Old Night
  • The Ten Tribes of Yuir
  • The Tharchioness
  • The Thayvian Embassy
  • The Thirsty Sailor
  • The Thirsty Throat
  • The Tower Sufontis
  • The Tower of Luck
  • The Towers of Fury
  • The Treant's Khanduq
  • The Treasures of Isis
  • The Twelve Ovens
  • The Tycharradah
  • The Undercity
  • The Underdark (Tavern)
  • The Unicorn's Horn
  • The Unicorn’s Horn
  • The Veiled Dance
  • The Veiled Lamia
  • The Vihaddah Semohl
  • The Villains of Midnight
  • The Violivery
  • The Wagon House
  • The Wandering Wemic
  • The Warrens
  • The Wharf Amlakkhan
  • The Wind-Rider's Way
  • The World as it Was
  • The Wraithshaven
  • The Yawning Portal
  • The Zoarstar
  • The benefits of Hermosa Beach summer camp
  • Theln Lane
  • Thelonius P. Stonetower
  • Thelonius Stonetower
  • Thelten's Alley
  • Thentavva’s Boots
  • Thentia
  • Thesk Mountains
  • Thesk
  • Thesp Eltorchul
  • Thessaloni Canos
  • Thick Skull (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Thomdor Obarskyr
  • Thond Glass and Glazing Shop
  • Thongolir Villa
  • Thoqqua (Creature)
  • Thorciasid (Epic Creature)
  • Thorp Villa
  • Thought Eater (Creature)
  • Thought Slayer (Creature)
  • Threatening Shot (Feat)
  • Three Pearls Nightclub
  • Three Thrown Daggers Alley
  • Three-Headed Sirrush (Epic Creature)
  • Threskel
  • Through the Looking Glass (1COT12)
  • Thunderstaff Villa
  • Thurndan Tallwand
  • Thytos Sabban
  • Tiamat Temple Guards
  • Tiamat Temple Treasure
  • Tiberius Kaine
  • Tiefling (Creature)
  • Tiefling, Greater (Race)
  • Tiger (Creature)
  • Tiger, Dire (Creature)
  • Tiger, Legendary (Creature)
  • Time Stop (Spell)
  • Timeline of Faerûn
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Archmages
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Netheril
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Pre-History
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Present
  • Timeline of Faerûn: States-Northkeep
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Waterdeep-Zhentarim
  • Timeline of Faerun
  • Timeline of Faerûn
  • Tinnir
  • Tiny Hut (Spell)
  • Tirin Morningburst
  • Titan (Creature)
  • Titan, Elder (Epic Creature)
  • Titles of Thay
  • To Do List
  • To Slip the Surly Bonds of Earth (2COT33)
  • To Tame the Perilous Skies (2COT3)
  • Toad (Creature)
  • Tojanida (Creature)
  • Tojanida, Adult (Creature)
  • Tojanida, Elder (Creature)
  • Tojanida, Juvenile (Creature)
  • Tolgar Anuvien
  • Tomb Jade
  • Tomed's Locks and Chains
  • Tongues (Spell)
  • Topography of Cormyr
  • Topography
  • Torc of Splendor
  • Toril's Most Powerful Spellcasters
  • Touch of Fatigue (Spell)
  • Touch of Idiocy (Spell)
  • Tower of Inspiration
  • Tower of the Order
  • Tower of the Rising Moon
  • Track (Feat)
  • Trades Ward (Calimport)
  • Trades Ward
  • Transformation (Spell)
  • Transformed (M&M3)
  • Transmute Metal to Wood (Spell)
  • Transmute Mud to Rock (Spell)
  • Transmute Rock to Mud (Spell)
  • Transport via Plants (Spell)
  • Trap the Soul (Spell)
  • Treant (Creature)
  • Treant, Elder (Epic Creature)
  • Treasure of Korak'Chellan
  • Treasure
  • Treasures of the Covenant
  • Tree Shape (Spell)
  • Tree Stride (Spell)
  • Triceratops (Creature)
  • Trident's Rest
  • Triton (Creature)
  • Troglodyte (Creature)
  • Troll (Creature)
  • Troll Hunter (Creature)
  • Trollcrook Alley
  • Trollskull Alley
  • True Resurrection (Spell)
  • True Seeing (Spell)
  • True Strike (Spell)
  • Trumpet Archon (Creature)
  • Trumpet Archon (SRD Creature)
  • Tsarnen Alley
  • Tuckpurse Alley
  • Tumble (Skill)
  • Tumble
  • Turn or Rebuke Undead (Rules)
  • Turnback Court
  • Tuuramil House
  • Twelve Reeds House
  • Twoflask Alley
  • Tyan Voth
  • Tymora’s Blessing
  • Tynar's Drudach
  • Tynar's Square
  • Tyrannosaurus (Creature)
  • Tyranny (Spell)
  • Tyraturos (Tharch)
  • Tyraturos
  • Tyrbos Sabban
  • Ubiquitous
  • Udoroot (Creature)
  • Ulbrinter Villa
  • Ultimate Justice (2COT11)
  • Ultimate Justice (2COT12)
  • Umber Marshes
  • Umbergoth
  • Umbral Blot (blackball) (Epic Creature)
  • Unaware (M&M3)
  • Unbodied (Creature)
  • Undeath to Death (Spell)
  • Underdark
  • Underhome
  • Undermarket
  • Undermountain
  • Undetectable Alignment (Spell)
  • Unhallow (Spell)
  • Unholy Aura (Spell)
  • Unholy Blight (Spell)
  • Unholy Scion (Prestige Class)
  • Unicorn (Creature)
  • Unicorn Athame
  • Unseen Servant (Spell)
  • Unther
  • Untitled Elf Campaign
  • Upperdark
  • Urcandle Alley
  • Urling
  • Urlingwood
  • Urmbrusk Villa
  • Ursa of the Earthkin "Bounty Hunter Faith"
  • Ursa of the Earthkin
  • Use Magic Device (Skill)
  • Use Magic Device
  • Use Psionic Device (Skill)
  • Use Psionic Device
  • Use Rope (Skill)
  • Use Rope
  • Use of this wiki
  • User talk:Kenjura
  • User:DorianAdricus
  • User:Kenjura
  • User:Pilitus
  • User:Tallas
  • Using Skills (SRD Rules)
  • Uvuudaum (Epic Creature)
  • Vaelendaer
  • Vahlen Sabban
  • Vale of Sur
  • Vale of Umber
  • Valin Arkanian
  • Vallaki
  • Vampire (Creature)
  • Vampire Spawn (Creature)
  • Vampiric Touch (Spell)
  • Vamps
  • Vangerdahast
  • Vanth Bruil
  • Vaoladah Khanduq
  • Vargouille (Creature)
  • Vattick Tanthul
  • Veil (Spell)
  • Veiled Glances
  • Veldarin of Sshamath
  • Velprintalar
  • Ventriloquism (Spell)
  • Veridti Hassan
  • Vermin (Creature)
  • Vermiurge (Epic Creature)
  • Vexas
  • Victor Ransom
  • Victus Tarkasian
  • Vil'velas Myarvan Starym
  • Villa of Tatir the Slavemaster
  • Vimahlydah
  • Violet Dubord
  • Violet Fungus (Creature)
  • Virgin's Square
  • Virgin’s Square
  • Virtue (Spell)
  • Visage of Doom
  • Vision (Spell)
  • Vivienne Rouchard
  • Vizar Khomaya
  • Vizar
  • Volothamp Geddarm
  • Vondre Icewhisper
  • Vrock (Creature)
  • Vulnerable (M&M3)
  • WDK
  • WDK2-2
  • Wagonslide Alley
  • Wail of the Banshee (Spell)
  • Waldo von Tyrell
  • Wall of Fire (Spell)
  • Wall of Fire Trap (Spell)
  • Wall of Force (Spell)
  • Wall of Ice (Spell)
  • Wall of Iron (Spell)
  • Wall of Stone (Spell)
  • Wall of Thorns (Spell)
  • Wandering Sorcerer (Class)
  • Wands Villa
  • War Never Changes (2COT31)
  • War Wizard Oath of Loyalty
  • War Wizards of Cormyr
  • War Wizards
  • War of the Fireflies (1COT24)
  • Ward
  • Warlock Spell List
  • Warlock
  • Warm Beds
  • Warp Wood (Spell)
  • Warrior of Shadow (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Warriors' Monument
  • Wasp, Giant (Creature)
  • Watch Alley
  • Watch Guardpost
  • Watchers of the North
  • Watchrun Alley
  • Watchwall
  • Water Breathing (Spell)
  • Water Elemental (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Water Mephit (Creature)
  • Water Naga (Creature)
  • Water Opal
  • Water Walk (Spell)
  • Waterdeep
  • Waterdhavian Golden Dragon
  • Waterdhavian Knights
  • Waukeen’s Wares
  • Waves of Exhaustion (Spell)
  • Waves of Fatigue (Spell)
  • Wavesilver Villa
  • Way Inn
  • Waymoot
  • We're Off to See the Wizard (1COT13)
  • Weakened (M&M3)
  • Weapon of the Deity (Spell)
  • Weapons and Armor
  • Weasel (Creature)
  • Weasel, Dire (Creature)
  • Web (Spell)
  • Weird (Spell)
  • Weirwood
  • Werebear (Creature)
  • Wereboar (Creature)
  • Wererat (Creature)
  • Weretiger (Creature)
  • Werewolf (Creature)
  • Werewolf Lord (Creature)
  • West Gate (Waterdeep)
  • West Gate
  • Westgate (Waterdeep)
  • Westgate
  • Whale (Creature)
  • Whale, Baleen (Creature)
  • Whale, Cachalot (Creature)
  • Whale, Orca (Creature)
  • What's Happening in NARR Today
  • Wheel Hall
  • Whirlwind (Spell)
  • Whispering Awareness (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Whispering Wind (Spell)
  • White Ford
  • White Lady
  • Who's Who in the Realms
  • Wichtingourds
  • Wight (Creature)
  • Wildlander (Midnight) (Class)
  • Wilhelm "Billy" Conrad
  • Wilhelm Conrad
  • Wilhelmina Petrovna
  • Will-O'-Wisp (Creature)
  • Wind Walk (Spell)
  • Wind Wall (Spell)
  • Wines, Ales, and Spirits of the Realms
  • Winged Helm
  • Winter Wolf (Creature)
  • Winter
  • Winterkeep
  • Winterwight (Epic Creature)
  • Witchblade
  • Witchlords
  • Witmaanal's Livery
  • Wizard (Class)
  • Wizard (Prestige Class) (Midnight)
  • Wizard Ward
  • Wizard's Reach
  • Wizard
  • Wizards of War
  • Wizards' Reach
  • Wizards’ Reach
  • Woarsten Nanther
  • Woden Durgis
  • Wolf (Creature)
  • Wolf, Dire (Creature)
  • Wolverine (Creature)
  • Wolverine, Dire (Creature)
  • Wood Shape (Spell)
  • Word of Chaos (Spell)
  • Word of Recall (Spell)
  • Worg (Creature)
  • Worm That Walks (Epic Creature)
  • Worthy Blades
  • Wraith (Creature)
  • Wraithguard
  • Wrath of the Moon and Fury of the Sun (DM)
  • Wrath of the Titans
  • Wye
  • Wyrmbones Inn
  • Wystwint Frostcap
  • Wyvern (Creature)
  • Wyvern’s Rest
  • XBDH1-1.5
  • XBDH1-1
  • XBDH1-2
  • XBDH1-3
  • XBDH1-4
  • XP to Level
  • Xainya Icewhisper
  • Xeph (Creature)
  • Xill (Creature)
  • Xixecal (Epic Creature)
  • Xorn (Creature)
  • Xorn, Average (Creature)
  • Xorn, Elder (Creature)
  • Xorn, Minor (Creature)
  • Yaphyll
  • Yder Tanthul
  • Yeth Hound (Creature)
  • Ylar Sabban
  • Ylar's House
  • Ynamalik
  • Your Guide to picking Venice summer camp for Kids and Teens
  • Yrthak (Creature)
  • Ysana Leuthrysse
  • Ysana Moonshadow
  • Yshah
  • Ytal's Confectioners
  • Ythazz Buvaar
  • Yuirwood
  • Yuzas Selim el Donar
  • Yuzas
  • Zahl Fe'rya
  • Zahl Feriya
  • Zahl I of Thay
  • Zahl I
  • Zahl
  • Zak
  • Zakarya Killendare
  • Zaki
  • Zalantar (Darkwood)
  • Zalathorm Kirkson
  • Zeldan's Alley
  • Zelekhut (Creature)
  • Zeltabbar Iliphar
  • Zen Archer
  • Zendalure
  • Zenovia
  • Zephraim Gaznaresh
  • Zhengyi
  • Zhentil Keep
  • Zombie (Creature)
  • Zombie, Bugbear (Creature)
  • Zombie, Gray Render (Creature)
  • Zombie, Human (Creature)
  • Zombie, Kobold (Creature)
  • Zombie, Minotaur (Creature)
  • Zombie, Ogre (Creature)
  • Zombie, Troglodyte (Creature)
  • Zombie, Wyvern (Creature)
  • Zone of Silence (Spell)
  • Zone of Truth (Spell)
  • Zuhair
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  • Zulkirs
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  • Zun Villa
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  • —Guild Arcane